31) [Smiity] Holiday Girlfriend

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"What am I going to do?" Smiity rolled over on his bed.

I looked at him through my webcam, shrugging. "That's a pickle you're in."

He looked at me, pouting. "Help me. Please."

"Why didn't you ask one of the guys? John might be able to help." I ask, holding onto my knee while getting comfortable in my chair.

"Have you met them?"

I cringed at what their advice could be. "You right. Don't do that."

He threw a pillow on his face, yelling a muffled "What am I supposed to do!!"

I resisted the urge to giggle at my friend. His struggle was amusing though.

"Maybe you could... pretend to be in a relationship?" I slowly suggest.

He slowly pulled the pillow away and looked at me. "You mean, like, fake have a girlfriend?"

I nodded. "It could get them off your case, no cringy' being alone' questions."



"You're a genius!!" Smiity laughed, jumping up and running towards his cam, getting really close to it. "I'd kiss you if I could!"

Laughing along with him, I shake my head.

"Oh shit, my ma is calling, one sec." He pulled away, phone up to his ear. I listened in as he left the sound on. "Oh, hey ma. Yes I'm packed.... Mmhm... Just me... Oh, but I'm not alone this year..."

He yanked the phone away from his ear, a squealing noise so loud it made it through the mic. I giggled.

"No mah, she's not joining me... well... because... she's visiting her family..." The panic on his face was comical. He made eye contact with me. "Okay... love you bye."

"So.... how'd it go?" I pester, leaning against my hand."

"I'm fucked!" He throws his hands up, running them through his hair. "I'm so screwed. She wants me to bring nonexistent girlfriend to meet the family. She's already buying a plane ticket and everything! What the hell do I do?"

His mom was crazy. "I'm sure you'll figure it out." I offer encouragingly.

"Yeahhhh..." He slowly looks at me through the screen. "Hey (y/n), what are you doing for Christmas? You've listened to me rant for like 3 hours."

"Oh," I shrugged. "I'm just staying on campus. My family are going to my aunt's and I can't stand that side of my fam."

"So... you don't have any plans?"


He jumped out of his chair. "Will you please pretend to be my girlfriend?"

"What?!" I sputtered.

"Please! 1 week! My mom will love you! You're exactly the kinda girl she's always pestering me to be with."

"What, no way." I shake my head no.

"Who wants to be alone on Christmas? You'll enjoy it! And it'll be a free trip to Canada. PLus you're one of my best friends. AND you gave me this stupid idea. You owe me."

I could feel the blush in my face as I rubbed my cheeks. It would be nice to see him again. The last time we met was at Vicon, and that was months ago. "I guess... when you put it that way."

"Thank you so much!" He cheered. "I owe you so much!"

"Yeah... yeah..." I grumble, smiling softly.

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