57) [Terrorizer] For the Family

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A lil bit of reunion between MC and Brian. No pronouns/gender specifics were used in this piece so it can be considered Gender Neutral. 

Requested by Bork_Commits_Arson

Thanks! I had fun writing this! Sorry it took so long, my main PC decided to crap out so I had to pull out my dusty laptop and update it/get it in working order. Hope you like it, and sorry it's shorter than the last couple of chapters.


My hands shake as the lights of Los Santos finally come into view.

I press on the gas harder, eager to go home.


Something I've thought of for so many lonely nights. So many bloody nights. It's been so long.

Almost a year exactly.

I couldn't tell the boys about why I had to leave. But it was for our family.

And Finally I could go home.

There had been a gang opposing us with its headquarters on the outside of town. They were growing, threatening our entire family, and allies, too. When they attacked a friend of mine who was in no way related to the business, they crossed a line.

That single attack is what rained my destruction on all of them.

Their gang knew all of the boys, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to do this mission without endangering all of them if they were to be involved. So I took it upon myself to put it to an end.

I left. In the middle of the night. With nothing but the cash in my pocket and the clothes on my back.

It took months, but the task was finally over. After infiltrating their base, moving up the ranks, and finally imploding it from the inside. Tonight had been the night of reckoning.

I killed their leaders, the second hands, the generals. I blew up the building with so much tnt, it would have impressed Delirious and Evan to have seen the bombs rigged. The place quite literally blew sky high. And then I made sure every ounce of stash they might have had was decimated too.

No one inside that building survived.

Every single ounce of blood, sweat, and tears were worth the victory.

My grip on the steering wheel tightens nervously as I slowly pull the vehicle up the hill that leads to a house standing watch over the city.

Hopefully they won't be too mad.

How was my brother going to react?

I did this for him. For us.

For the family.

Pulling up to the driveway, I punch in the code that would open the gate.

A tight feeling enters my chest as I draw closer.

Clicking the garage button, I watch it rise for the first time since I left.

Slowly pulling into the garage, my heart flutters at seeing my spot still open.

Parking is surreal.

I'm really home again.

Numbly, I get out of my car, grabbing my bag of weapons from the back seat, and walk towards the door that leads inside.

I placed my hand on the scanner, kind of shocked that it still registered after all this time.

Slowly walking inside eases the shakiness from my body.

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