47) Price of Growing Up

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A/N: you have asked, now you shall receive.

Thanks to @Maddyhatter123, @breelee3032, and @A_Pack_Of_JJs for the comments and requests.

Here's a oneshot based off my stories Price of a Life and Price of a Choice, a mere snippet in time about the boys helping their little girl grow up. 

A.K.A, the changes a body goes through. LMAO.

It's a little short, but hope you enjoy regardless.


The look of panic on her face was what shut the four of them up instantly.

"(y/n). Baby what's wrong?" Delirious instantly asked, trying to hold his own panic.

She looked between him, Moo, Cartoonz, and Nogla, her eyes watering.

"I'm bleeding!"

"Did you cut yourself?" Luke asked, not seeing any physical wounds.

"Where at?" Nogla also noticed the lack of a wound.

"Are you okay?" Moo knelt down to hold her shoulders.

She sniffled, her whole body rigid. "I'm bleeding... down there..." she whispered

The four of them tensed. Fuck, was she that old already?

The three standing behind Brock all shot looks at each other. As if in sync, they all spoke "Not it!"

(y/n) watched in confusion.

"Hey baby girl, why don't you go change into something that you don't mind bleeding on, and we'll explain things to you, okay? We'll meet you in your room." Luke stated. She nodded, realizing it couldn't be that bad if they weren't panicking, too, and slowly walked to her room.

"Okay, obviously none of us want to have the talk with her, and the rest of the crew is going to be gone for the rest of the night." Brock said, standing up. "Why don't we decide the old fashioned way."

Moments later found the four with straw in a cup. "Okay, whoever pulls the shortest straw has to tell her about the birds and the bees."

Straw after straw was pulled, and they each compared.

"Oh for FOCK'S SAKE! That's not fair! It as rigged against me!" Nogla threw the straw.

"Sorry Nogla, you snooze, you lose." Luke chuckled, walking away. "I'll go get her girly shit. Try not to give her a heart attack!"

Delirious and Moo followed Nogla to (y/n)'s room. He knocked, and she gave a soft, "it's open..."

Nogla walked in, the two hanging back to listen.

"Alright, why don't we sit on this blanket. We need ta talk."


"Fock." Nogla sighed deeply. "Okay, you're growing up and with growing up comes changes. Specifically your body."

The two eavesdropping from the hall cringed hard.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they do something called fu-"

"Okay Nogla, move." Moo pushed Nogla away. "You're not qualified. Get out."

"What? I was doing good!"

Delirious was howling with laughter in the hall as Nogla walked past him. "FOCK OFF."

Moo sat down next to her and slowly began to explain the changes she was going through.

She sat and patiently listened. It went way smoother than Moo was expecting.

When everything was said and done, they turned towards the door of her room where a small gathering took place. Luke walked in, carrying a bag of stuff, and the rest of the boys, including the others who were on a mission, spilled inside.

"Here baby girl, whenever you need more, just ask one of us."

"Don't focking ask me! These assholes don't think I'm qualified."

Luke threw a chocolate bar at Nogla's face. "Stop bitching, you ain't having your period too, are you?"


(y/n) took the bag of stuff and shimmied past everyone. "Thanks Moo, Cartoonz!" She vanished down the hall.

In the silence from the boys, Evan began to laugh. "You were going to tell her about fucking?"

"I'm DONE!" He stormed off in a huff as the rest of the group trickled after him, laughing.

Brock went to grab a beer. Being the father of the group, and a beautiful little girl who was growing up, was hard.

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