27) [Mini] Become Human

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A/n: You guess it, a one shot based off Detroit become human~

You are Todd's actual daughter. Your mom split from him and married an accountant, Paul. Mini is your Android. Enjoy~~~~~

Also, warnings for abuse! Don't read if you are sensitive to those sorts of things, please. Take care of yourself.


They were at it again. I thought things were supposed to be different with Paul. He was supposed to be a better dad than Todd.

Mom left Todd for Paul because he had more money, and a nicer place in town. He was an accountant. And he was better. At first. But then his skills were fake, and his cruelness came through. Him and mom fought all the time, over the smallest things, too. And, when he was drunk, he liked to throw things. Mom stuck with him because of the money and status quo.

And since being with Paul, she just never had time for me anymore. That was the job of the android. She was just too focused on work, or so she would say. I mean, the last time we even had dinner together was the first night we were here, which was over three months ago. I doubt she cares for me.

A small knock on my door made my skin prick in fear as I flinched away from the noise, scrambling towards my makeshift fort.

Climbing under the blankets over the boxes, I see the handle twist open.

"Ms. (Y/n), where are you?"

I relax as I see Mini, my android, enter. He closes the door and steps in, kneeling so he can spot me in the fort we made.

Unlike everyone else, Mini cares for me and is always there for me.

We had him at the old house, when we lived with Todd. Mini worked for mom then, and Kara was the one who took care of me. When we moved out, mom took Mini and Todd kept Kara. Paul didn't want to buy a new android so Mini was repurposed to mostly take care of me, since mom and him were too busy. That's okay. Mini is the best friend I never had.

"Now what are you doing in there? Shouldn't you be getting to bed?"

Crawling out, I sit in front of him. I don't like to lie to Mini; he's the only one that listens to me."I can't. Paul and mom are fighting again and I can hear them."

He frowned. "Well, how about this. I help you get ready and then I'll read to you so you can't hear them anymore. Does that sound good to you?"

The idea warmed me up and I nod.

Mini smiled, standing up. "Come on then. Let's get you ready for bed."

I stand up, and Mini helps me change, tucking me into bed and pulling up a chair beside me.

Snuggling into the comforter, I watch as Mini crosses towards the lights and flips them off. He returns to my side and turns the lamp on. He sits in the chair by my head and smiles down at me, his eyes crinkling happily.

"Now, what kind of story do you want tonight?" He asks, running his hand through my hair in a soothing motion.

I struggled listening to his words. "Why don't you surprise me?" I ask, focusing on the feeling of his fingers instead.

He chuckles, "Alright. Let's see what I can come up with. I have over 9000 stories stored in my program."

I mumble, shaking my head, "I want a new story, one you make up."

He sits quietly for a moment. I turn to look up at him. The yelling from downstairs stopped.

Before either one of us could do anything, there was a crash. It was like shattering glass, the sound reverberating up the stairs to my room.

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