2) Continuation of Held Hostage

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Lifting my head up, I realized a few things. One, I was groggy, meaning I must have been asleep, and those fuck faces were the ones that slipped the sleepy pills in with the aspirin. Two. I was alone. Mini was no longer sitting next to me. Three, my headache had dramatically decreased. And finally, a new set of footsteps, heavier ones with a longer stride, were making their way towards me.

I turned to see a tall, lanky guy with black hair in a green shirt walk in. He smiled as soon as he realized I was looking at him.

"Well, how do ya do miss?" He spoke, and I recognized his deep Irish accent from a while ago. So he was the third guy that was talking with Mini and the other familiar voice. I pursed my lips as my eyes held his, watering as the burning from the lights finally started affecting me. "Not much of a talker? Thas okay. Me neither."

He pulled a stool up next to me, and sat down, and that was the moment I realized he had a plate of food, the smell immediately hitting me. My stomach growled as my mouth watered. The irish guy laughed. "Don worry, this is all for ye. In courtesy of the cook. Me."

Placing the plate on his lap, he picked up the fork. Mortification filled me, reflecting in the burning in my face as I realized he was going to feed me.

"I can feed myself." I rasp out, swallowing to sooth my throat. "Just untie my hands. Or hand. A hand would work too."

"Yeah. I can't do dat. Orders are orders. Sorry."

Letting out a sigh, I pouted my lip, looking away from him. I sat in silence, trying to ignore my body's need for food.

"Come on, don't be like that. It's not poisonous. See watch." He took a bite of the food. "See? I'm fine."

The hunger grew to be too much as my stomach painfully twisted.

"Fine. Okay."

I turned to look back at him, or well, the plate, dropping my shoulders in embarrassment. I refused to make eye contact.

"There ya go!" He fed me slowly, taking extra caution to not spill over me. Even though I didn't say it out loud, I appreciated it.


I peeled my eyes open, fighting the sleepiness that fogged my brain. A strange noise, like metal on metal, dragged me from my sleep-deprived mindset. It came to a sudden stop. I blinked, trying to focus on my surroundings as alarm raced through me.

Swinging my gaze around, I could see something moving in the shadows. Staying silent, I watched as they walked in front of me just hidden from the lights, the slow, methodical footsteps echoing around the metal walls. I tried to swallow the fear that was quickly pumping through my blood.

The figure stepped out of the shadows silently.

I thought my heart stopped.

In front of me stood the man with a mask, toying with his shiny knife. My skin began to crawl as his eyes looked away from his knife, and locked onto mine. I could feel the grin radiating from behind his mask. All the air in my lungs vanished as I gasped.

"Well hi hoochie. Delirious caught your tongue?" Insane laughter bubbled from him as he tilted his head, studying me. My arms and legs were shaking beyond my control as terror coursed through me even more.

He walked even closer, leaning in with a glint in his eyes. I glanced around looking for something, even though I knew there was no way of escape. I could feel his breath land on my face.

"Remember me?"

I jerked hard against my restraints as a hand came up gently, clutching my neck and sliding to grip my chin. The grip hardened as I bit my teeth together to keep the sudden pain at bay.

"You truly are beautiful." he huffed, his head cocking to the side as delight filled his voice darkly. "But too bad for you."

His cackle ripped through me, setting a new fear ablaze. I shivered as I looked up at him, seeing the knife glinting in the low light.

"I like revenge."

The door creaked open and the shadow of a man stretched over us. Glancing back at the current biggest threat, I realized Delirious was also distracted by the new guy.

"Delirious, back up."

I recognized that voice. It was from the owl. Somehow that didn't completely settling the fear in me.

I pursed my lips as Delirious looked back at me sharply, glaring through his mask. "Tch. Next time you won't be so lucky. Just you wait." His eyes lingered on me for a second longer before he stalked away slowly.

I breathed out slowly, preparing for the hell to come. 

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