55) [Terroriser] Unexpected Love

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In this, You are David's little sister.

Brian comes over to visit for a few weeks, and slowly yet surely his flirting and teasing turns into love.

Something heart warming tonight for you all.

Hope you enjoy!


"Hey man, I really appreciate you letting me stay over while my house renovations are happening."

I perk up at hearing the voice in the other room. I recognize it from my brother's videos. It must be the friend he was talking about. I grab my glass of water and slowly start to make my way towards the living room.

"Hey, no problem man." I hear David clap the guest on the back. "Although my sibling is visiting for the holiday. Hope you don't mind."

"You never said anything about there being two Noglas here." He teases. "Seriously though, I don't mind. Your brother and I get along pretty well."

I stand in the doorway of the living room and kitchen as I watch the two step out of the hall leading to the front door.

My eyes catch the stranger's, and he stops. "Oh."

"Sorry to disappoint." I tease. "I'm Y/N."

"Y/N, this is Brian. Brian, this is Y/N, my little sister." David pauses, clapping his hand on Brian's back.

"Nice to meet you." I grin behind my glass.

"You as well."

Silence fills the air as we have a silent staring contest.

"Okay then..." David glances between the two of us. "Don't mind her. She's always weird. Anyways! Your room is this way."

I watch as my brother leads his friend away, and wave at Brian.

He waves back, a lopsided grin on his face.

I point at my brother, mouthing "Crazy" while circling a finger around the side of my face.

He glances at him, rolling his eyes and mouthing "I know", before following him and vanishing down the hall.

A giggle pours from my lips as I go back to sitting in the living room.

Well, this break just got a whole lot more interesting.


It's the next day.

The two spent most of it recording videos together, so I was left to my own devices.

The three of us sit on the couch eating dinner, a show playing in the background as I listen to the two talk and joke.

A loud phone goes off, and I glance at my brother.

He has a confused look as he answers it. "Hello?"

Brian and I make eye contact as David swears loudly, depositing his plate on the coffee table. "I'll be on in a second."

He hangs up, quickly moving towards his bedroom. "What was that all about?"

"I forgot I was supposed to film with Anthony. Y/N can you-" He shoots me a look, gesturing to his plate.

"I've got it you big doof. Go make that bread."

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