8) [BasicallyIDoWrk] Kiss Kiss Fall in Love

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"My friends and I were playing truth or dare and they dared me to go over and kiss you so, sorry."

Blinking my eyes at the guy in front of me, I took in his tanned skin, confusion filling my mind. His chocolate eyes pierced my (e/c) ones.

"Um... er what?"

"Sorry, let me backtrack a bit." He offered his hand to shake, waving his other. "Hi, I'm Marcel, and I'd like to kiss you right now."

I couldn't form a coherent thought. This... this guy just marched over and demanded to kiss me. What the hell?! These kinda things just don't happen to me.

Here I was, dragged to a party by one of my friends, who had ditched me by this point, sitting in the corner of a war zone, full of teenagers drinking and grinding, only to have a pretty sober, extremely attractive guy demand a kiss from me.

Looking around said attractive guy, I see a group of also extremely attractive people sitting around a set of couches in the other room, fit to be filled by 15 or so people. They were all extremely attractive. Wait, did I think that already.

And staring at me.

Blinking, I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Well. Um."

"Please." He begged. One of his hands plucked away the drink chilling my fingers, setting it aside on the table next to me. His hand wrapped around mine, and I felt just how extremely warm his palms were. "I promise I'll make this up to you later."

Anxiety rolled in me. "Well, you see. I've never, um..." Looking anywhere but his gaze, a little tremble of fear rolled through me. With a small sigh, I turned to look back at him. "I'm sorry. I've just never... I can't."

"Hey, don't worry. I get it." His voice was softly spoken, as if I would startle at only moment, like a fragile baby animal.

"Sorry." my voice felt thick as I tore my eyes away from him again, looking off somewhere over his shoulder.

"Look, it's really no problem. I didn't want to push you. I was being extremely forwards with you. I'll leave now." He smiled gently, moving so he was in my line of sight.

The warmth was suddenly gone from my hand, and I watched as he turned his back on me, walking back to the room where all his friends were more-or-less booing.

Grabbing my drink, I couldn't help the soothing motion of spinning my drink. Glancing back over to where the guy disappeared to, a thought crossed my mind.

You're only going to be teen for so long.

Fuck it.

Placing the cup to my lip, I let the let the acidic drink roll down my throat. Grimacing from the burn in my throat, I stood up and began walking to where he was sitting down.

Some of his friends made eye contact with me, others, the more wasted ones, didn't even notice.

Who cares anyways? This is his dare.

Walking over to him, I placed my hand on the back of his chair almost aggressively.

He looked up at me, shock covering his face. Laughter had his eyes crinkled.

I can't really kiss him if he's sitting and I'm standing.

Throwing my leg over him, I straddled his lap, gripping his hair with both hands, and before my brain could make me chicken out I made a move.

I pulled his chocolate lips against mine.

In the back of my mind, I could hear wolf whistles and cat calls, but I ignored it, pressing harder with my eyes closed.

His lips began moving with mine, causing me to melt. A hand pressed into my hip, holding me closer to his warmth, while the other slid into my hair, tilting my head to the side.

Even his lips were warm, so smooth with the hint of a taste alcohol, intoxicating my senses.

The slow sensation of his tongue prodding my lips pushed me forwards even more, and before any thought could enter my mind, I tentatively slid my tongue against his. The alcohol taste intensified.

Suddenly, he swirled his tongue in my mouth, making shivers race through my spine, and I pulled away completely breathless. I felt the warm breath of his fan across my face as he panted along with me. My mouth was agape as much needed hair filled my lungs, everything processing.

Holy Shit. I just did that.

"Wow." He breathed.

Fluttering my eyes open to look in his chocolate ones, a smile curled on my lips. "Yeah. Wow."

"Holy shit!" one of his friends wheezed behind us. "That was intense!"

Just like that the spell was broken.

I realized I was sitting on his lap. "Oh. Sorry." Quickly, I go to stand up. He stood up with me, keeping his hands on my hips.

Looking up into his eyes, I realized my blood was pumping with adrenaline.

Voicing his words back at him, a small smirk made me giggle. "I know that was extremely forwards of me."

He chuckled, placing his hand out for me to shake it. "I'm Marcel."

"(y/n)." I whisper back.

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