3) [H2O Delirious] Get Swapped

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Yawning as the loud ringing urged me to wake, I couldn't remember setting an alarm. Reaching blinding towards the sound, my hand touched a vibrating phone, and bleary-eyed, I turned off the offending noise.

I scratched my stomach, running a hand through my hair. My hand stopped suddenly as a chill raced through my spine, causing me to waken quickly in panic. I reached up again, gripping short hair instead of the normal length it had been when I went to sleep.

Sitting up, I blindly raced towards the bathroom, leaning against the sink to look at myself. The image startled me, a scream ripped from my throat as I tore away from the reflection, smashing against the wall behind me.

My heart was wildly banging in my chest as I looked at the reflection. Instead of my (e/c), (h/l), (h/c), (s/c), there was a rich blue hue against tanned skin looking back. I ran my hand through the short black hair again. I was a guy...

Looking down, I couldn't help the blush that covered my face, realizing I was only in boxers. Oh god. I had to pee...

Okay. One thing at a time.

I quickly took care of business, trying to not look at it, or touch it more than needed. Afterwards I dressed, seeing a suitcase that was for the most point neatly packed. Looking in the mirror, my heart thumped. I don't want to be some dude!

Going over the the phone, I hoped I could find out something about this guy.

Oh no, what about me?!

Deep breath. Maybe I can look for information on who this is, and then find out what I'm doing.

Sitting on the bed, I smirk. Next to where I woke up was a stuffed bear. Cute.

Looking down at the phone, I realized it required a fingerprint to unlock it. Shit... oh wait...

Pressing my finger on it, the phone unlocked. A nervous laughter bubbled from my throat. Looking at the home screen, it was a simple blue. I instinctively pulled up twitter before the thought even crossed my mind. My eyes widened at the notifications before i shook my head. Remember. This isn't you.

I looked at the name. H20... Ohhhh...

My heart stopped. Looking up towards the ceiling, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Quickly leaving the app, I pulled up the phone book and began calling my number.

What if he's now me?

I know what Jon looks like!

Holy shit.

Holy SHiT

Calm down.

"Um... hello?"

SHIT, someone picked up. I didn't think this far...

"Hi, ummm. I'd like to ask a few questions. If you don't mind sparing a moment." Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"How the fuck did you get dis number?" A very familiar voice asked. I knew that was my voice. How could I not? I listen to it every day. Editing my own voice for hours.

"Funny story," I laugh nervously. "Actually... that's um mm my number."

There was silence. My heart clenched. Shit, shit, shit... "So, uh-"

"-did you wake up as someone you're not today, too?" the voice asked.

Excitement filled me. "Yes! Oh god," I had to catch my breath, my stomach clenching in anxiousness. "I don't know what to do, but I think, as strange as this may sound, we may have somehow swapped bodies."

I was rambling and I knew it, clenching my eyes shut I nibbled on my thumb. The texture caught me off guard. Oh yeah, not my thumb...

"Where are you... I mean, your body, not who you are right now, but who you usually are." He was rambling too, okay. Deep breath.

"I was in a hotel. Currently, I am, er was, in California for an event. It's uhhh called Pax West."

Of course he knows what Pax West is, dumbass, he's got quadruple the subs you do.

"Wow, um, same actually."

"Really?" The excitement bubbled in my chest again.

"Yeah, I was staying at a Hilton Hotel."

"Same, third floor."

He took a minute to answer, coming up with a great suggestion. "What if we went down to the lobby to see if we're in the same one, and meetup to talk this through."

"Okay. Yeah sounds great. Hopefully see you in a few."


I swallowed thickly. What would we even do if we found each other? How do we swap back?

Putting his phone in his pocket of the blue jacket, I opened up the door, stopping when I hear the door in front of me open as well. I look up to say good morning.

Oh sHiT. ThAT'S ME!

They stopped, frozen, and looked at me much like how I was staring at, well, me.

Reacting without a thought, the door across from me slammed shut, and I was pushed back through the one I just came through until the door slammed and both him and I were looking at each other in the low light of his hotel room.

Soft, small hands went to my face, and immediately began touching and moving the skin.

"Stop, please." I whine, swatting the hands away.

"Holy fuck." He stated. Wow, I didn't realize how... dainty... my voice was. Or how soft and small my hands were...

I ran hands through the short soft hair, trying not to panic. "Oh god. What do we do?"

He was silent. I could feel him shift in front of me, and the pressure of hands press against my chest. Looking down at him in confusion, I could see my (e/c) staring wide up at me. Wow... I was short too.

"Can I try something?" He asked.


Standing on tiptoes, I watched as "my" face leaned closer to mine, and the softness of lips press into mine. A tongue licked across my lip. Confusion hit me like a car, but I didn't exactly want to stop.

Suddenly, a pinch on my ass made me gasp, and the tongue darted in my mouth, tangling with my own.

What the fuuu

He pulled away, wiping his hand across his mouth. "I always wanted to see what it'd be like kissing myself. Hot damn I'm good!" An insane laughter that didn't quite fit the way I looked bubbled from the flushed face gazing back at me.

All I could do is squeak in response, dazed and confused.

What the hell is wrong with my idol?

And what does that mean about me?

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