44) [Brock] A/B/O Birthday Present

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A/N: this one is another shorter one. Don't worry though! I'm feeling inspired. 

Question, who do you want next? I have a scenario in mind, but it honestly fits any of the boys. So who do you wanna read about?


I couldn't really watch the t.v. It was too hard for me to focus.

"What's on your mind?"

A lazy smile crossed my lips as I looked over to Moo, my best friend in the whole wide world.

I've known him my whole life. He was an omega, and I have yet to present.

"Honestly?" I ask him. He nodded enthusiastically. "I'm nervous about tomorrow."

"Awe, come here," he muted the t.v. as I crawled into his arms. "It's your sixteenth birthday! Why are you nervous?"

"It's my sixteenth birthday, what do I not have to be nervous about?"

He rubbed my arm in a soothing rotation. My eyes watched the silent screen.

"It's just. I present tomorrow... what happens then? Someone's going to be let down no matter how I present. My family is full of betas, you're an omega, and Alphas are supposed to be the popular people in school..."

"Don't worry about anyone else... it'll be okay no matter what."

"I want to be an omega, like you."

His hand stopped rubbing my arm for a second. He slowly resumed. "I don't want you to be an omega."

"What... why?" I turn to look into his eyes.

"(yn) there's just some things that I don't think you should have to go through."

"I don't understand..." anger and hurt was building in me.

He sighed. "It's hard to explain."

I pulled out of his arms and moved to the other side of the couch.

"(yn)... don't be like this. I don't want you to be an alpha either, but no matter how you present, I won't judge."

"You won't leave me?" I turn towards him with teary eyes.

Brock scoots towards me on the couch and wipes my eyes. "Of course not!"

I lean into his touch, my eyes closing. He's right, no matter what, how I present won't change a thing.

His phone buzzed, ruining the moment. He pulled back to look at it. "Hey, it's my mom, I need to head home."

"You'll still pick me up for school tomorrow?"

"Of course." Brock stands and leans down to kiss my forehead. "Try not to think too hard about it, okay?"


He stops and turns towards me. "Happy early birthday!"

I watch him leave.


It was like heat was licking my bones. Sweat covered my body.

Sitting up in bed, I throw the covers off me and swing my legs off the bed. The alarm clock was a bright glaring red 4:00 a.m.

My blood was on fire. At least it felt like it. I needed water to cool it down.

Rushing into my bathroom, I stumble against the sink. With the water blasting cold, I dunk my face and splash myself with the water. Rubbing it into my face, I slowly look up into the mirror, locking eyes with myself.

My irises glow in a ring, and a guttural growl rumbles in my throat.



I watched the sun rise slowly, casting streaks of red through the sky.

It felt like a chore getting dressed. I felt numb.

I watched a car roll up outside followed by two beeps. There was only one person with a beat up jeep like that. Slowly sliding down my stairs, I don't worry about running into my family since they leave earlier then I do in the mornings.

With slow movements, I open the door and step outside. I can see Brock smiling as he beeps his car.

It felt like a dream walking up to his vehicle.

"Get in loser!"

I slip into his car. Immediately I'm swamped with a smell I had never really smelled before. It was sweet and unique. I couldn't even begin to describe it.

"Whoa..." I can feel Brock look at me, but I refuse to look at him. My eyes are locked forwards. He takes a deep breath in. "(yn)... you're an Alpha."

"Yeah... I guess I am..."

"I... did not see that coming."

I look over at him. "You sure this doesn't change anything?"

"Of course not." He reaches out and touches my arm.

A rumbling starts in my throat causing his and my eyes to widen.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that!"

A vibrating seems to roll through him as he smiles.

I didn't know it at the time, but we both felt the bond that had always been there.

We were true mates.

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