38) The Search for a Past

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This was the afterlife. We were all dead and it was the best thing ever. It was festive and ironically full of life. Things were simpler. And I actually had a family. Until a few days ago.

For 20 days straight, every other day, a member started vanishing. It started with Evan. And then it went Marcel, Brian, Tyler, Anthony, Scott, John, Jaren, Jon... until there was only the two of us left. It was just me and Brock; one of us would be next, the other would be alone.

We held hands, and the light of the new "day" was slowly ebbing closer.

I had been afraid. Neither of us wanted to go. It was horrible.

And then I was alone. He, too, vanished.

Two days felt like an eternity.

And then blackness filled everything around me. My soul was blackened. And then I was breathing, actually breathing. It was hard to breathe. The darkness turned to be around me.

Panic swelled in me, and I realized something wasn't right. Feeling around me, I couldn't move, I couldn't sit up. Walls were around me.

Something clicked in my head. I was in a casket. I was buried under ground.

In a struggle, I immediately started to kick the roof, breaking the boards. Something gave way and dirt crushed my legs. I adjusted, keeping my mouth and eyes closed while shifting to a squatting position. Immediately I started to thrust myself upwards, trying to climb past the dirt concaving on me. I managed to punch up, moving in the ground.

My right hand broke through the ground. Excitement bubbled in me. Struggling, I managed to push my head above the ground.

Gasping for air, a cackle bubbled from my chest. I struggled, pulling myself out of the ground, laying on my back.

The sun was bright, too bright, and I threw my arm over my face.

Slowly, I rolled off the ground, standing on shaky legs.

Where am I? What the hell is happening?

Stumbling, I realized I was in a city. The roads were dirt, and streamers were hung up everywhere in bright colors. Hardly a person was out.

A guy stopped, looking at me. "Ma'am... are you okay?" He asked hesitantly, like I might try to bite him.

Looking at myself, I realize why. I was covered in dirt, my clothes ripped. Blood oozed from my knees and fists. I can only imagine what the rest of me looked like.

"I... don't know where I am..."

"What's your name?"

I stared blankly at him. Apparently the look on my face had him change his tactics.

"Would you like to call someone?" He offered his phone.

Numbly, I grabbed it, looking at it. I didn't know any numbers... I couldn't even remember my name. I passed it back and started walking away.

My eyes read over a sign hanging up by some colorful decorations. Dia Delos Muertos. Day of the Dead... was that, yesterday?

I walked past sign. After a while I stepped onto a road with bustling cars and people frequented everywhere I looked.

In the distance, I spotted a sign on a hill. Hollywood. Somehow I knew where I was. L.A.

How'd I get here? Why was I here?

My bones felt heavy, and slowly I sank to sit on a bench in a park. Pinching my eyes shut I needed to think! What do I remember? What happened last?

Darkness, colors of the afterlife. Tingling... I was brought back to the land of the living!

Shock made me shake. Why? Why am I back? If I'm back, does that mean they are, too?

"Excuse me, are you okay?" A young voice, a gentle voice asked. I looked up to the lady, she didn't look much older than her mid-twenties.

"Uh." How do I respond with that.

"What's wrong?" She sat next to me on the bench.

Words were tumbling out of my mouth before I could think. "I was thrown out of my house. I don't know what to do. I don't have anywhere to go."

A vague image popped up in my mind. A woman yelling at me, and burning in my face as I was cast outside. A glimpse of my past.

"Well," She smiled softly. "Why don't I offer something that might help you get back on your feet." She stood up and started walking. "Come on."

I followed her.

She walked to a nice building. It was eco-looking, and nice. "What's this?"

"Well, it's a cheap housing unit. I can pay for your rent as long as you need. You help me clean up, run errands, random chores, and you can stay for as long as you need. Come on."

She walked into the building. People greeted her and she nodded back at them. Walking to the right and through a door, she leads me to sectioned units. What initially appeared to be small hallways actually led to a rooming unit. 3 bunk beds per side, six total per each hall. The beds had stairs, and the spaces were very open on either levels of the beds. Each wall of each bed had a mini flat screen tv, too.

Some people laid in bed, others milling around.

"If you're interested, we can sign you up. There's plenty of room for another." She smiled sweetly. I nodded, smiling.

"Why don't you go take a shower and I'll get you signed up. You can borrow some clothes from me."

"That sounds nice."

She grabbed some and started passing them to me. "Oh, I never asked, what's your name? I'm Brooke."

What was my name? "Uh, just call me (y/n)."

Brooke smiled and pointed me towards the showers.

I take a deep sigh to calm my nerves.

Pod Shares.... When did these exist?


Living in the pod shares wasn't too bad. I mean, it was free food, plumbing, and a place to sleep. Then there were the amount of just... people. But overall it was okay. I acquired random items from a donated pile, like a phone, a jump drive, a sketchpad.

In the computer lab, I jumped online. As soon as I found it, I felt drawn into the world, like part of my life was there for some reason. It was hard to explain.

Someone had left open YouTube. Curiously, I clicked around and eventually onto a video. It was a gaming video.

"What's up you guys! It's ya boi, uh... skinny penis!"

I snorted. The videos were amusing, and I couldn't help but watch too many.

You know, maybe I could do that. Make videos. I looked down at my sketchpad. Drawing could be relatively easy...

Shaking it off, I stood up to go for a walk. I needed a job. I mean, helping at the pods was fun, but I needed to get money and start searching.

I don't know what... I just needed to search. Like there were people out there that I needed to find.

Maybe I could reach out to that Smitty guy. I had felt such an at ease feeling since finding his channel. Who knows.


A/N: Okkkay. SO if you guys like this then I'll continue it! Basically, follow MC as she tries to find the guys and remember her past.

If that's the case, I want to know some things from you guys.

1) Any name recommendations? Or do you like this one? I dunno, I'll take suggestions.

2) Who should I focus in on? I mean, Price of a life was focused on Delirious, so whatever you guys want!

Lemme know and until then~ Have a good day!

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