12) [Wildcat] Who's Tall Now?

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So this one has some language, and had some inspiration from a post on Pinterest. It's pretty short, and I don't have time to proof read it. I hope you enjoy it.


This bitch.

Who did he think he was?

Sometimes I wanted to just punch my roommate straight in his dick, simply because he was a dick.

Towering over me at the astounding height of 6'5, I couldn't help but scrunch my nose in rage.

His obnoxious laughter was only pissing me off further.

"Tyler. Give me my damn phone back." I demanded, crossing my arms and stomping my foot. He held my device above his head, laughing at me.

"What, can you not reach it? Sucks to be short."

"Tyler," I warned. "Give it back or else."

"Ooh, I'm sooo scared." he mocked.

With a huff, I jumped up towards it. Crashing on the ground against him again, I knew I was nowhere near getting the phone.

"Come on, please Tyler! I was having an important conversation with Brock."

"Ooh, I like it when you beg. You should do it more."

"Bitch." I huffed, jumping again.

Tyler laughed harder, twisting away from me. In anger, I looked down towards his leg. Pulling my foot back, I aimed a kick straight for his leg.

His laughter turned into a whine as he pulled his leg away. "Ow! You just kicked me in my fucking shin! What the hell?"

"Give me my phone back."

"Say please."

"Please give it back or I'll kick you again!"

"No, be sincere." He said.

I pulled my foot back again, aiming to kick him even harder. He dodged it this time.


My frustration was boiling as he cackled.

"Ooh, look at this. Looks like Brock texted you again. Let me just respond." He was looking up, still holding the phone up above his head.

Turning around, I spotted the couch and a plan began to brew in my mind. Stomping towards the furniture I climbed it quickly while Tyler was wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, completely distracted.

With a battle cry, I launched myself off of the furniture at Tyler, crashing hard against him, and sending the both of us sprawling on the ground.

Tyler released a girlish scream as I body slammed him into the floor. I scrambled for my phone while he was distracted. Standing up above him, I flipped him off, blowing my tongue in his direction as I sauntered away.

"Get rekt!" I yelled over my shoulder, planning my full revenge.


My anger was still in full swing after I noticed what Tyler had texted Brock. After the long amount of time and effort of many texts and a skype call it took to convince Brock that I did not, in fact, text him about my 'little issue' as Tyler so eloquently put it, my anger had my mind racing. I was gonna get him back.

Sitting in my room, I listened for when he finally finally went to bed. Excitement curled in my chest as I slinked from the safety of my room and tiptoed down to Tyler's room. Pressing my ear to the door, I couldn't make out any talking, or typing, or clicking noises. Instead, I heard steady breathing.

A smirk pulled my lips as I made my way to the kitchen to grab a glass, and fill it with water and ice.

Will I regret this later? Probably. Will it be great now? Hell yeah.

Walking back to his room, I pressed my ear against his door again to double check that he wasn't awake, and after no noise, I slowly pushed his door open. Inside I could see Tyler curled up under his blanket.

I pulled my phone out, set the recorder up while placing my phone on the bookshelf to capture this beautiful moment, and walked around the bed to the empty side. Slowly standing up so that I was towering above him, my revenge was minutes away.

I giggled lightly, and then poured the freezing cold water on Tyler's face.

He spluttered, swiping his face as he violently woke up.


Noises forced their way from his throat as he sat dazed, and confused, completely soaked and not quite comprehending what happened, not quite pissed yet.

I jumped off the bed, walking around it towards my phone. "Don't fuck with me again! Because I'll fucking FIGHT YOU TYLER."


Sorry it's so short, it's finals week. Anyways, if you have any requests, You should comment them down below! Also who do you want to see next? Let me know~!! Requests are open! c:

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