43) [Cartoonz] Traversing Midnight pt 2

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It was Monday. Class was supposed to resume today.

I was supposed to see him today.

And he was nowhere to be found in his own class.

The clock rolled past the time when class was supposed to start.

I spoke too soon.

Professor Patterson walked in flustered.

"Sorry I'm late. Let class begin."

I couldn't focus on the lesson. Instead, my eyes followed his every move.

He refused to look at me.

He looked everywhere but me.

I guess it was just destined to be a one-night stand.

Just as the class was coming to an end and everyone was packing up, he finally called out.

"Ms. (ln). If you'd stay behind, I'd like to talk to you for a minute."

I froze, not looking at him. I slowly returned to packing up, "Of course."

Standing there looking at my stuff, I waited till the door closed one last time and we were left alone.

My heart was racing.

Holy shit.

"Look at me."

"Or what?"

His footsteps carried him over to me. Next thing I knew, his hand was under my chin, propping it up. My eyes glued onto his.

"Fuck, I want to kiss you."

"That hardly seems professional," I mumble out.

"Last Thursday hardly seemed professional." He shot back, his eyes glinting with a playful edge.

A sigh shook my shoulders as I sank in resignation. "What do you want?"


His response shouldn't have shocked me. It made my knees weak and my jaw go slack.

"I could occupy those lips for you? Unless of course, that too, is past your unprofessional line that you're unwilling to cross now?"

My jaw snaps shut, and I cross my arms. "Look, Professor Patterson, your advances are charming, but last Thursday should have been a one night stand, a hookup, and fate just made it out that you were someone I know. Honestly, it should all be left in the past." no matter how good he was in bed.

"You say that, yet you haven't moved?" His hand moved from below my chin to holding my face. My belly pinched in warmth and I struggled to not lean into his hold. I didn't move at all.

"See? You want this as much as I do."


His lip tugged up. "That night, you were mourning over a terrible ex. I'm one of the best lovers you'll ever have. Unlike that boy, I'm a real man. Real passion with a real longing. I want you for you, not for your body or my urges. I've never felt more alive than spending that night with you."

"What are you insinuating?"

"Let me show you."

Without thought, I gently nodded.

His head leaned in towards me, as his beard brushed against my face, and his lips pressed against mine in a burning needy way.

When he pulled away, I was breathless. "Wow."

"So what do you say? Will you give us a chance?"

"It... seems crazy." I realized I was smiling.

"I know... but listen. You're only in my class for 2 more months... I'm only a couple years older than you... after that, you're graduated. No one could say a thing."

"This is purely based off lust."

"No. You must not remember. We talked. We talked a lot. You divulged your heart and soul to me. We connected. Although, I'm not surprised. You did drink a lot."

I chuckled softly. "Yeah.. and not to mention how emotional I was."

"Extremely emotional."

His smile caught me in a trap. My heart fluttered.

My mind was made up by my heart.

"I think I want to try."

His eyes sparkled. His hand combed through my hair.

"I'm glad."

His head tilted towards mine again, although this time, his forehead touched mine. He leaned against mine, and my eyes blurred.

What the hell was my life?

I pulled away. "I have another class to make."

"Well, I can imagine."

"Although my next professor isn't nearly as adorable as you are."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Kind of old and wrinkly."

"Gross. Don't compare me to that."

I giggle. With a wink, I was out the door.


A/N: Next up will be alpha reader and omega moo. Requests are open!! <3

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