40) [Wildcat] Just Give Up

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He couldn't help but sigh at the sight before him. She lay against the alley wall, her eyes glazed. He watched as her eyes rolled behind her eyelids and the weight of her eyes dropped it forwards to rest against her chest.

"You're such a complete disaster." He groaned, scooping the unconscious hero off the sidewalk. "Like, holy hell, how does anyone let you out of their sight. Stop picking fights with people you aren't ready for."

Honestly, she came out of nowhere, preparing to play hero. With the Banana Bus crew split for the time being due to Vanoss being apprehended, and others hiding away, they were all split, doing their own crime. This little girl didn't realize he was apart of the strongest gang in Los Santos.

Just because they were inactive did not mean he was some sort of push over.

He walked to his motorcycle with the girl. Sitting on it with her wrapped around his front, he begrudgingly made his way to his apartment.


I woke up to a dull thumping in my skull. My blurry eyes made it hard to recognize where I was.

In fact, I didn't recognize the room at all.

Fear rolled in my heart. Where the hell was I?

Throwing the sheets off of my heated skin, I scrambled to stand. The thumping in my skull was insistent, and I moved slow. Reaching up to the back of my skull, pain bloomed from an area with dried blood.

Standing fully on the carpeted floor, I realized I was standing in a large shirt. This shirt was not my shirt.

"What the hell happened last night?" I mumble.

"Well, a little girl decided to play hero."

I scrambled, jumping at the sound of a voice. My body hit the wall with the force of how hard I jumped. My eyes pinpointed a very familiar man sitting in a chair across from where I was. I recognized that voice. And then that mask, too.

"What am I doing here?"

He stands slowly. "Stop jumping, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have."

I watched as he stepped closer to me. "I'm gonna cut to the chase. Stop playing 'hero'. There are bad men out there who will kill you, or worse. You're just lucky I was having a good fucking night."

He turned to walk away, and I couldn't stop my tongue. "You don't get to tell me what to do."

His feet stop, and he turns slowly. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." I put my hands on my hips. "Who do you think you are? Bossing me around."

Pain bloomed in the back of my skull. I'm pressed against the wall, his hand on my shoulder and the wall. He looms over me with his eyes piercing me through his mask.

"I'm the one who spared your dumbass," He growls lowly. "Now, I'd advise you hold that tongue of yours before I decide to really punish you."

He pulls away, keeping his eyes on me. My legs shake, and I slowly slide down the wall into a sitting position.

"Get up. I'm getting rid of you."


"You heard me. I just didn't want your dumb ass to be raped by a sleazy dude in the streets because your dumb ass got knocked out."

"I'll have you know-" I'm cut off by a ringing against my boob. I realize my phone is tucked in the cup of my bra and quickly reach to grab it. Wildcat keeps his eyes locked on me. "Hello?"

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