Meeting The Parents

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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: The day had finally arrived; today Janessa was meeting my Mom. I fixed my shirt collar in the mirror nervously. I didn't even notice Janessa walk in as I fixed my hair. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a head placed on my back. I smiled and turned to face her. I wrapped my arms around her and reached down and pecked her forehead. You look beautiful, Princess. I said biting my lip taking in her appearance. She had on a white, flowy top with a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a pair of yellow flats to match, along with a silver J necklace that I bought her a few weeks back. I could see her blush. I let out a chuckle.

Janessa POV: Yeah, you don't look to bad yourself, Mr. Good. I said smiling and helping him fix his collar. He was wearing a white polo, a new pair of navy blue jeans, and a pair of black and white Nike's. He watched me. Thank you. he said. Of course. I said pecking his cheek. He looked at me as I pulled away. You aren't nervous are you? he asked grabbing my hands. Yeah, but not as much as you are. I said looking up at his hair. I laughed and grabbed the comb from him as he sat down on his bed. I started to style his hair. So, do you have any tips for me about your Mom? I asked. Jon shrugged. She's old school, just be yourself; I know she'll love you. Jon said as I finished with his hair. He turned and pecked my lips fast as there was a knock on the door. I gulped. Don't be nervous. Jon whispered pulling me into his arms and kissing my head. I hugged him quick before he released me and went to answer the door. I walked into Adam's area to see he was dressed and ready. She's here. I said knocking him out of his daze from looking at himself in the mirror. I laughed. It's not funny. he said throwing a toothbrush at me. I laughed even harder. He rolled his eyes. I'll be out in a minute. he said. I nodded and walked out just in time to see Jon open the door revealing a man and a woman.

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