The Officer In Me

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Janessa POV: Well, look who actually decided to show up. I heard from behind me as I placed the last paper down on the step. I turned around and saw Jon propped up against his cop car with his arm's folded. I rolled my eyes. I'm late, I know. I said sighing. Ey. he said walking over and rubbing my sides. You alright? he asked. I shrugged. I'm fine. I said. He looked at me searching to see if I was telling the truth. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a chuckle. No you're not. he said with an amused smile on his face. Jon, that's just the cop in you..I'm fine, I swear. I said getting out of his grip. He grabbed me and looked at me. Princess, what happened? he asked. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let the tears fall. Oh Princess. he said pulling me into his arm's and hugging me tight. Shh. he said placing his hand on the back of my head and rocking us back and forth. It's gonna be alright. he said quietly. I shook my head. Officer Good..My brother is gone. I said looking at him and pulling away. He wiped my tears. What do you mean? he asked. He's been missing since last night...I..I don't know where he is. I said sighing.

Jon (Dean Ambrose): I don't know if it was the cop in me or the fact that I have mild feelings for this girl, but I know I had to help her in any way possible, with the help of my partner's of course. Shh, Princess..It's going to be okay. We'll find your brother. I said looking at her. Promise? she asked with a sad smile on my face. I nodded my head with a sympathetic smile. I promise, I'm gonna make this my top priority. I said looking at her. She hugged me tight and I instantly hugged her back. Thank you. she whispered into my ear. I nodded. Just doing my job, Princess. I said pulling away. What do you say you and I head down to tha station and I'll start on this case right away, sound like a deal? I asked her. She nodded. I walked over to the passenger side of the cop car and opened the door for her. She smiled and got in. I smirked and walked over to the driver's side and got in. I buckled up and looked at her to see her with a sad look on her face. I grabbed her hand. We're going to find your brother, Princess. I said kissing her hand. I promise. I said releasing her hand and starting up the car. I called into the station and let them know I was on my way over and told Joe and Colby to be ready and we were off.

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