What You Do To Me

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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Janessa lead me into the living room and we sat down on the couch and she turned on SmackDown. I put my arm around her and she moved closer to me resting her head on my lap. I ran my fingers up and down her arm and smirked at the goose bumps I left behind. She rolled over so I could look directly at her face. We locked eyes and before you knew it, she was up and her lips were attached to mine. I can't even explain what this girl does to me; One second she hates me, next she loves me, and the next her eyes fill with lust..You're a complicated one Ms. Rose. I pulled away after I needed air and she sat with her arms still around my neck just looking at me. I stared right back at her.

Janessa POV: You're amazing. I said smiling at him. He shook his head. No, you're the amazing one. he said kissing my forehead. I looked at him. You what would be amazing right now? I asked. He raised an eyebrow. What? he asked. If we could watch this SmackDown without any distractions. I said with a laugh. He let out a chuckle. Well, guess it wouldn't hurt to try, huh? he asked. I nodded and moved off of him. I sat next to him and he instantly wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer to him. I smiled and turned my attention to the match on the screen.

Adam POV: I walked midway down the stairs from my room to see Jon and Janessa on the couch watching SmackDown. I shook my head. One minute she hates him, the next she loves him; I will never understand my sister. I'm not saying I hate Jon, I don't; he's helped Jay and I out in more ways I'll ever be able to thank him for. Colby warned me about him though, we'll see how this plays out. I took one last look at them before making my way back upstairs to my room.

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