Jon's An Idiot

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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I watched as Janessa pulled out of the driveway. I turned and looked at the photos of us lining the walls. I grabbed one and threw it down onto the ground. I saw Champ slowly walked over to me. I kneeled down and put my head in my hands as a couple tears left my eyes. He put his head in my lap. I pushed him away. You're not helping buddy. I said with a chuckle. I wiped my eyes and got up and walked upstairs. I walked into the bedroom and looked at Janessa's ring sitting on the table. I sighed and laid down on my bed and put my hands over my eyes. Going back to the WWE was supposed to be good for us. Life was just starting to get back on track. I was gonna buy us a home to call our own and put some money towards wedding planning. Why do you always have to fuck stuff up? I asked myself in my head. I punched my pillow as my phone went off. I grabbed it without bothering to look at the caller ID. What? I asked pissed off. Well, hello to you too. I heard Joe say over the phone. I coughed. Sorry man, not really in the mood right now. Yeah, I heard. he said. What? I asked. Janessa already told me what went down. he said. I sighed. I'm a fucking idiot. I said running a hand through my hair. Yeah, I could've told you that. Joe said with a chuckle. If you were here right now, I would slap you. I said with seriousness in my voice. Joe laughed. It's not funny man, I don't know what to do. I said. Just talk to her. Joe said. You don't understand; she's had her heart broken so many damn times and she was finally starting to trust me. Her life has been a living hell ever since the day she was born, and now I just made it worse. I'm an idiot. I said punching the headboard of the bed. Calm down, man. Joe said. Maybe time apart is good for the both of you. You can figure out what the hell is going on with you and Renee. Joe said. There's nothing going on between us! I yelled through the phone. Sureeee. Joe said. I rolled my eyes. Are we done with this conversation? I asked. Joe laughed. Yeah, I'm done harassing you. You up for a gym session later? he asked. I looked at the time. Yeah, I think I need it; I'll see you in an hour. I said. Sounds good, man. Joe said. Later bro. I said hanging up the phone.

Janessa POV: I pulled up to a hotel and got out. I grabbed my suitcase and walked inside. Hello Miss, how may I help you? the bell hop asked. I need a room, please. I said. Okay, let me check and see what's available. he said. I nodded and looked around the hotel as he typed on the computer. I heard an elevator ding but didn't pay attention to it. Ey, I got locked out of my room; I need a extra key. I heard a voice say. I turned in the direction of the voice. It sounded familiar. Sure enough, there stood Seth Rollins. Seth? I asked. He turned and faced me. Oh, well look who it is. he said with a smirk. Jon's little girlfriend. he said. I rolled my eyes. I'm not his girlfriend. I said. He raised an eyebrow as the bell hop spoke up. I have a room available on the 4th floor with one bed, that sound alright? he asked. Yeah, that's fine. I said turning my attention to him. He wrote it down. Alright, here's your key; and if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. he said. I grabbed the key from him. Enjoy your stay. he said with a smile. Thanks. I said smiling back as I walked towards the elevator with Seth following behind me. I got in and Seth got in right beside me. So uh, what happened with you and Good? he asked. I rolled my eyes. It's a long story, he's an idiot. Yeah, I tried to tell you that a few months ago. he said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes as the elevator stopped on my floor. I grabbed my suitcase and was about to walk out when Seth grabbed my arm. Let me buy you a drink later, yeah? he asked. I don't think that's the best idea, Seth. I said. It's just a drink, it's not like you and I are dating; Come on Rose. he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a pen. I grabbed his hand and wrote down my number. Text me later. I said. I saw him smirk as I walked out of the elevator and went to find my room.

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