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Janessa POV: I looked at all the guys we passed along the way. I almost DIED when my favorites came up to introduce themselves. We finally arrived at catering and Jon released his hand from mine. Go ahead and get whatever you want. he said walking over to the sandwiches. I nodded as I looked around at all the food. Hey, are you a new diva? I looked to my left to see Eden (Cody Rhodes's wife). I shook my head. No, I'm here with my friend Jon; he's doing security for the event tonight. Oh, your Dean Ambrose's girlfriend? she asked. I shook my head. Not officially anyway..She nodded understandingly. I'm Brandi by the way. she said holding out her hand. I'm Janessa. I said shaking her hand as she smiled. I looked to see Cody Rhodes walk up to. Ey Babe. he said pecking her head and wrapping his arm around his waist. Who's this? he asked turning his attention to me. This is Dean Ambrose's friend, Janessa. Brandi said acknowledging me. How did you get involved with Dean Ambrose? he asked. I laughed. It's a long story. He laughed and nodded holding his hand out with a smile. I'm Cody by the way. I smiled and nodded. I know who you are. I said letting out a chuckle. You've been my favorite wrestler ever since you debuted. You actually had a meet n greet in my hometown a few years ago, I just didn't have the able funds to come meet you. Cody nodded understandingly as his name was called over the intercom. Well, that's my cue; It was nice meeting you Janessa; Maybe we'll see you around here again soon. he said smiling and shaking my hand again. Yeah, you also; and never know. I said as he smiled and nodded. I'll see you later, babe. he said giving Brandi a quick kiss before he turned around the corner and was out of view.

Jon (Dean Ambrose): I looked to my right to see Janessa deep in conversation with Brandi and Cody. I smiled at how well she fit in with everyone. I started putting food on my plate when I saw a figure to myeft. I looked at her. There stood Renee Young. Renee and I had a thing for awhile when I was still in the WWE. I looked at her and I bit my lip and went back to putting food on my plate. She looked at me. No way, Jon!? she exclaimed. I looked at her nodded. The one and only. I said putting my plate down and pulling her into a hug. Oh My God, I haven't seen you since..You know. I nodded. Uh, yeah..she nodded searching for the words. So..How you been? I haven't heard from you in awhile. she said. I nodded. Eh..Same old, same old; Everyday is a working progress. I said with a shrug. She nodded. What about you? I asked. She shrugged. Just traveling with WWE. Oh fun. I said letting a chuckle. She laughed and lightly pushed me.

Janessa POV: I looked to my left to see Jon hug a woman and then she lightly pushed him. Jon eyes were locked on her, and only her. My blood instantly began to boil. Who the hell is she??

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