What Happened?

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Janessa POV: I walked into the locker room and slammed the door. Adam took his eyes off the TV and looked at me. What? he asked. I wanna go home Adam. I said as tears started flowing down my cheeks. He walked over to me and wiped my tears. Wtf happened? he asked. I shook my head. I just wanna leave. I said shaking my head. Adam nodded. I'll go get Jon. he said walking to the door. I shook my head. No, this is about him; I just wanna leave. Call a taxi or something. I said wiping my tears. He nodded and dialed the number.

Jon (Dean Ambrose): I pecked Renee's forehead and made my way back to my locker room. I opened the door and walked in. Ey Adam, I got you- I stopped when I saw no one in the room. I looked around. Adam? Janessa? I asked. No answer. I pulled out my phone and dialed Janessa...Straight to voicemail. Hm..I dialed Adam's number and he picked up on the second ring. What? he asked in a pissed off expression. Where the hell are you guy's? I asked sitting down. We went home, back to our home. Adam said as the phone hung up. My body began to tense. I punched the wall. Every fucking time..I grabbed my bag and walked out of my locker room. Ey, where you going; Aren't you booked tonight? Leati asked walking over to me. I'm out of here, there's something a lot more important that I need to attend to, but it was nice seeing you again man. I said patting his back and racing out to my car. I drove as fast as I could towards Janessa's house. I pulled up and I got out of the car slamming the door and racing up to the door. I knocked and I could hear their dog go crazy. I waited a minute and the door opened to reveal Janessa. We locked eyes for a minute. She was about to slam my door when I caught my foot in the way just in time. Just leave us the hell alone. she said opening the door again. What the hell happened? I asked looking at her. Did you feel sorry for us; Is that it? she asked as tears were flowing out of her eyes. Janessa, what are you talking about- No, shut the hell up! she screamed in my face. I did as I was told. You know, I really thought you were different, but you proved that you're just like everyone else. What are you talking-I read your texts Jon..she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. You went through my phone?! I yelled. I'm your "girlfriend", I should be able to. This whole time I was seeing you and only you! Jon, Adam and I practically dropped everything for you. Hell, I was ready to take it up a notch with you. she said. Then what's stopping you? I asked walking closer to her and pulling her closer to me. I could see her look up and bite her lip. Janessa, if it's Renee you're worried about; there's nothing going on between us. We dated when I was still in WWE, but I'm over her; We're just good friends. You're the one that I want forever. Jon, that doesn't explain the texts. she said looking up at me. Fuck the texts, if that's what you're worried about; I assure you I will delete her number right here, right now. I said honestly looking back at her. She sighed. There's a lot more then just that Jon..

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