Day Two of Investigation

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Janessa POV: I walked into the police station the following day and walked up to the reception desk. Hello Miss, how may I help you? she asked. I'm here to see- I started when I saw Joe peak his head out from out of the corner and look at me. Ah, Janessa. he said standing up and walking over to me. She's with me, Lauren. Joe said. She nodded as Joe grabbed me and we walked towards Jon's office. Joe knocked and we waited for a response. One second, Joe. we heard from behind the door. Joe looked at me and smirked. I raised an eyebrow. You wait right here and I'll go over there; he doesn't know you're here yet. he said with an evil smirk on his face. I laughed and nodded as he jogged to the corner and hid. I waited for the door to open. I waited a minute, then the door finally opened.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: What do you need man-I looked to see Janessa. I cleared my throat. Oh..Ey, What's up Princess? I asked pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back swaying us back and forth. I heard her laugh as she hugged me. I lead her into my office and was about to close the door when I saw a foot land inside the door. I opened the door to see Joe standing there. Glad to see you could show up, Anoai. I said with a laugh pulling him into the room and closing the door. I saw him roll his eye's as he sat next to Janessa.

Janessa POV: So, have you guy's made any progress since yesterday? I asked as Jon was starting up his computer. Joe nodded. We found out about a few of the guy's holding your brother hostage. he said opening up a folder and showing me pictures. He pointed to one. Jeffery Hardy; Used to smoke hardcore drugs. He has a wife and kid's; he abbonded them over a year ago. No one has heard or scene him since. I shivered a little at the thought as Joe pointed to the next picture. Jeff's brother, Matt; Still smokes drug's. Used to date a chick named Amy, when they broke up he just lot all control over himself that he once had. Joe said. Every little detail that Joe was telling me kept pushing me to think the worst about my brother. I shook the thought out of my head as Joe showed me the last picture. And the leader of the pack, Bray Wyatt. He's just insane..the drug's have really gotten to his head. Says he always hears voices talking to him. Joe said. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. Voices? I asked. He nodded. I thought about what my brother had said a few week's ago about hearing voices. I shivered at the thought and turned my attention to Jon.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Now that we know about the guy's, we gotta figure out where we can find them. I said showing them a blue print where the guy's would most likely be hiding out.

Colby (Seth Rollins) POV: I listened in from behind the door aa they discussed the plan to find Jeff, Matt, and Bray; My Boy's. Boy, wait until they find out that I'm behind the whole gang and what we have up our sleeve. I thought with a chuckle and evily rubbing my hands together when I saw the door to Jon's room open. It revealed Joe. He looked both directions then looked at me. You say something? he asked. I shook my head laughing inside my head and walking back to my office to call the boy's.

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