Going Into Labor

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Janessa POV: It's been a little over 9 months since Jon and I got married. I turned and looked at him as he slept. He looked so at ease. I reached over and ran my hand across his cheek. I could see him smirk a little. I smiled and laid my head back on my pillow. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me as good as he could. How are you feeling? he asked. I think I'm learning to deal with being pregnant. I said. Jon sat up and rubbed my stomach. I felt a kick. I shot up in bed and yelled out in pain. Jon looked at me in concern. Babe, you alright? he asked holding my back. Jon. I. Think. The. Baby. Is. Coming. I said through breaths. Jon's whole expression changed. He rushed out of the room.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I instantly dialed Joe's number. Pick up, pick up, pick up..I said pacing. Fuck, what do you want man!? Joe asked irritated over the line. Good Morning to you also, Joseph. I said with a smirk. He cleared his throat. Well, it was..he said. I rolled my eyes. All playfulness aside, I need you and Galina to meet us at the hospital; Janessa is going into labor and I can't deal with this shit on my own. I could hear the bed screech over the line. We'll be there in 15 minutes. The line went silent. I ran back upstairs to Janessa. I saw she was seated upright on the bed. Come on, babe; We're going to the hospital. I said helping her out of bed and down the stairs. Champ looked at me as I helped Janessa outside and into the car. I buckled her in and ran back into the house, Champ following behind me. I grabbed a suitcase and piling some clothes and stuff that I thought would be necessary for Janessa at the hospital. I grabbed my own suitcase along with it and headed downstairs. I stopped when I noticed Champ was behind me. I'll be back soon, bud. I said patting his head. Joe will be by to check up on you. I said closing and locking the door behind me and rushing to the car. I popped the trunk and put the bags in the back. I slammed the trunk shut and rushed to the driver's seat. I buckled up and fired the egine. I looked over at Janessa. Even nervous and freaking out, she still looked gorgeous. I reached over and grabbed her hand as I used my other hand to drive. I placed our hands in my lap. Everything is gonna be fine babe, just deep breaths and think positive. I said keeping my eyes on the road. She nodded. Do you have any waters in here? she asked. I nodded as we stopped at a red light. I reached over to the back seat and grabbed a water. I handed it to her and she instantly tore it open. My nerves were kicking. I know I always told myself that I was gonna be a hell of a lot better of a father then my dad ever was for me, now that it's here..It's fucking scary to even think about. I thought letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Janessa looked over at me. You okay? she asked rubbing my shoulder. I sighed as we pulled into the hotel parking lot. I'm fine. I said parking the car and rushing into the hospital grabbing a wheelchair and wheeling it out for Janessa. I helped her out of the car and into the chair. I closed and locked up the car and rushed into the hospital. I walked up to the front desk and the receptionist's eyes immediately met ours. You're Dean Ambrose! she exclaimed. I shhed her. She nodded understandingly. What can I do for you? she asked. My wife, Janessa is going into labor. She instantly grabbed the phone and dialed a number. Before I knew it, we were being dragged toward a room. We all helped Janessa onto the bed and she was handed a robe. The nurses left the room. You want some help? I asked as I noticed she was struggling getting it on. She nodded with sympathetic eyes. I got out of my seat and walked over to her. I pulled her nightgown over her head and helped her put the robe on. I walked behind her and tied it. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned back into me. Jon..she whispered. Yeah babe? I asked slightly swaying us back and forth in an effort to calm her down. What if something happens? she asked. I kissed her cheek with my arms still around her. Everything is going to be fine babe. I whispered. You're gonna be a great mom and I'm gonna do everything in my power to be the best father possible. I said when there was a knock on the door. I walked over and answered it to see Joe and Galina standing there. I motioned for them to come in and Galina instantly walked over to Janessa. How's she doing? Joe asked when we were outside of the room. Eh..Nervous, but I think we both kinda are. I said leaning back against the wall. Bout what? Joe asked. I ran a hand through my hair. What if I can't be the supporter or father they need? I asked looking at Joe. Joe walked over and gave me a hug. There is no doubt in my mind that you're gonna be a great father, bro. I see the way you get with your younger fans, we all do. They love you, man. You're gonna be a kickass father, and if you ever need anything; Galina and I's door is always open. he said patting my back. Thank you..for everything. I honestly owe you big time. I said looking at him. He shrugged. We're brothers man, brothers stick together. he said patting my back and walking into the room. I nodded. Joe and I have been through practically everything together. He's been my partner in crime since day one. A friendship turned into a brotherhood. I smiled as the doctor walked up to me. Mr. Good, are you alright? he asked. Yeah, I'm fine..Good actually. I said looking at him. Great. he said with a smile on his face. Well, Janessa is dilated to the point where she needs to be, so whenever you are both ready; we can get started. he said. I would hate to keep her waiting. I said with a laugh. He nodded and opened the door and walked into the room me following in behind him. We're ready to behind the procedure. the doctor said readying his supplies. I pulled up a chair next to Janessa and grabbed her hand. I kissed it and moved a strand of hair off her face. She looked at me. Everything is gonna go fine. I said nodding at her reassuringly. She nodded and sighed. Alright, whenever you're ready, Janessa. the doctor said moving in front of her. I looked at her and she nodded. She's ready. I said to the doc. Alright, 1..2...Janessa squeezed my hand. 3..I heard Janessa yell out in pain.

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