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Janessa POV: I was fixing my makeup when I got a text from an unknown number on my phone. I picked it up and read it. I'll be by your room in 5 minutes, by the way; watch your day. Sources are saying Jon has checked into this hotel. I sighed and put my phone down. I grabbed a brush and ran it through my perfectly straight hair. There was a knock on the door and I walked to answer it. Who is it? I asked. The voice waited as if thinking for an answer. Justin Bieber. I could hear a smirk in the voice. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to reveal Seth standing there. I took in his appearance. He was wearing a white and black tshirt with a black vest over it, a pair of crisp black jeans, a hair of white and black Nikes, and a black baseball on his head to top it off. Justin Bieber huh? I asked amused. He let out a chuckle. Eh, worth a shot; and it worked. he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. I can promise you I'm not a Belieber. I said walking to grab my purse. He rolled his eyes. For some reason, I don't believe you. he said. I shrugged. Believe what you want, I'm more of a Fall Out Boy and Linkin Park kinda girl. I said grabbing my wallet and walking back over to him. He smirked. I wouldn't take you for a Fall Out Boy fan. he said closing the door behind me. I shrugged. I have my days. I said following behind him as we walked towards the elevator.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I shouldn't even be here. I thought as I looked around the hotel. I watched as Joe came out of the elevator. You're fucking crazy man..he said with a smirk. I shrugged. You do crazy shit when you're in love, bro. I said walking up to the counter. How did you even know she was here? he asked as he walked over to the counter where I was standing. I'm a cop, I could track down anyone I wanna track down. I said with a shrug. I think your crazy is different then my crazy. he said with a chuckle. I shrugged. I looked at the bellhop. I need information on what room Janessa Rose is staying in. I said. He looked up from his computer. I'm sorry, but I can't give out information of what rooms other guest are saying in. I sighed. She's my fiancé, we got in fight and I really need to make things right. I said looking at him with pleading eyes. Please...I said. He sighed and started typing on his computer. She's in room 45. he said writing it down and handing it to me. I silently thanked him as I grabbed the paper. Joe followed behind me. You're gonna do something stupid right? he asked. I shrugged and pushed the button on the elevator. I walked in leaving Joe looking at me and shaking his head. I rolled my eyes as the elevator closed. I could give two fucks what he or anyone thinks; that's my fiancé up there, I gotta make things right. I watched as the elevator door opened to the second floor and there she stood; Renee Young. Jon!? she exclaimed hugging me. I slowly wrapped my arms around her. She pulled away and looked at me. I didn't know you were staying here. she said with a smile. I scratched the back of my head. I'm not exactly staying here, I needed to come talk to someone and this was better time then ever. I said. She looked at me and a smiled pulled at her lips. I could see where she thought this was going. I sighed. It's not you, Renee. I could see the sadness in her eyes. Renee, you're one of the sexiest girls I've ever had the pleasure of dating. When I came back to the WWE, you took my breath away with everything you say and do. You're fucking perfect and it honestly stings a little to have to tell you this. During those months out of the WWE, things happened and I changed..a lot. I said looking at her. I'm engaged to one of the most amazing woman to ever step foot on this Earth. She and I have a had a rough couple of months, and tonight really set the bar. She left, Renee. She sees the way you and I look at each other, she thinks you and I are secretly dating. I said looking at her. She shook her head hurt. I thought you still cared about me..she said quietly. Dammit, Renee I do alright? If I wasn't already dealing with relationship BS, I would snatch you and prove to you how much I care about you, but I can't. I said running a hand through my hair. You don't even deserve me. You deserve someone that's going to be 100% committed to you and only you. Any of the WWE Superstars could give you the world, I'm not capable of doing that just yet. There's a girl out there that makes my heart beat a million beats a minute when I'm around her and if she thinks you and I will do something when we're together, then I'm sorry; but, I can't be around you. Only for WWE purposes. I'm sorry. I said leaving her there shocked with a tear rolling down her cheek. I pressed the 4 button on the elevator and leaned back on the wall. I released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. The doors opened to the 4 floor and I walked out as the elevator doors next to me where just closing. I shrugged. Probably some teens gonna go out and sneak a drink. I laughed and pulled out the piece of paper the bellhop gave me. 45..I said making my way down the hall. 45, 45, 45..I kept repeating in my head. I stopped at the door at the end of the hall and tried to relax my self. I knocked. No answer.

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