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Janessa POV: I walked into the house helping my brother. Jon had one arm, and I had the other. We slowly made our way up the stair's. I opened Adam's bedroom door and we walked in slowly placing him on the bed. Thanks guy's. he replied getting comfortable. Of course big bro. I said smiling. You need anything? I asked. He shook his head. Nah, I'm good for now Jay. he said turning on the TV to SmackDown. Alright A. I said walking to the door with Jon behind me.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: You into wrestling? I asked looking at the TV. He shrugged. Little bit, you a fan? he asked. I nodded. Trained at NXT for a year and a half, had one match in WWE with my buds..Realized it wasn't for us. Now every once in awhile we do security for them. I said with a shrug. You met AJ Lee? he asked. I nodded. Yeah, she's a real trip. I said letting out a chuckle. He laughed as I walked back over to the door. Ey Good. I heard from behind me as I was about to walk out. I turned and looked at him. Yeah? I asked. No funny business, alright? he asked with an eyebrow raised. I smirked. You got it, we're just friend's anyway. I replied with a shrug. Yeah "friend's". he said laughing. I rolled my eye's and closed the door behind me as I walked out.

Janessa POV: I was in the kitchen. I watched as Jon walked down the stairs. He walked over and sat in the stool and watched me make hot chocolate. I turned to see him watching my every move. Something I can help you with? I asked with a giggle. He shrugged. Nope, continue with what you're doing. he replied. I laughed and continued making the hot chocolate. I felt a pair of arm's wrap around my waist.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I got up and wrapped my arm's around her waist. I could feel her squirm. I let out a chuckle. Why are you so nice to me? she asked as I watched her stir the hot chocolate. One, I'm a cop. Two, because I was in the same situation you're in, and I don't wanna see anyone else go through hell. And three, because I like you, Princess... I said the last part quietly. I saw her turn in my arm's. She looked at me as a tear rolled down her cheek. Why me? she asked. Of all the girl's in Vegas; Why me? she questioned. I shrugged. I don't know. I said leaning back on the counter and looking at her. There's just something about you that I can't get over...I said biting my lip and looking at her. Maybe it's your body..Could be your arms; You really do give great hugs. I said nodding just thinking about it. She smiled. Or..your hair. I said tucking a strand behind her ear. I could see her blush. Or..Your smile that just light's up a room. I said with a smirk. Jon..she said trying to hide her face. I laughed and pulled her into my arm's. You're special, Janessa; whether you believe it or not, you're special. I said wrapping my arms around her and swaying us back and forth. I could feel her wrap her arm's around me. I'll admit..I feel safe when I'm around you. I heard her smile. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I'm a cop; I don't take shit from ANY ONE and I protect the people close to me. I said releasing her.

Janessa POV: I smiled. Maybe you really are Officer Good. I said laughing. He let out a chuckle. You haven't even seen anything yet, Princess. Christmas season comes around, you're in for a real treat. he said with a wink and sipping on the hot chocolate I made.

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