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Jon (Dean Ambrose): I walked back into the room with Janessa when I saw Larry going through the fridge. He pulled out a beer. Can I have one of these? he asked. Janessa looked up at me. I shrugged. Knock yourself out. I said sitting down on the couch next to Janessa with my Mom in front of us. So, how long have you two been together? she asked looking at us. I looked at Janessa for an answer. Eh..We're not officially together yet.. I said as Janessa was playing with my fingers. So..You two hug and act like a couple, but you two aren't even dating? Larry asked cracking open the beer. I shot my eyes into his direction. I don't remember you being involved in this conversation. I said defensively. Jon...Janessa said squeezing my hand. I looked at her and nodded as I calmed myself down. Wait, aren't you Seth Rollins buddy? he asked. I nodded slowly. I was..I said looking suspiciously at him. He nodded. Why, do you know him? I asked slowly rising out of my seat.

Janessa POV: I watched as Jon rose from his seat. The guy nodded. Yeah, I know who he is; I used to buy weed from him. he said. I saw Jon clench his fist. You get weed from Rollins? Jon asked. The guy nodded. He shot his eyes in the direction of his Mom. Has my Mom smoked it? he asked. I could see his tensions were rising. I have a few times. his Mom spoke up. Jon looked behind him and turned around to face us.

Jon (Dean Ambrose POV) : Do you know what the hell is in Rollins weed?! I yelled at my Mom. What are you, some kind of cop? the guy asked. I turned my attention back to him. Actually..I am..I smirked. I saw the guy get quiet. You were working with them weren't you? I asked walking closer to him. Jon..I heard Janessa say from her place on the couch. It was no use, I was beyond pissed now. Were you working for him!? I yelled pushing him against the wall. Jon! I heard Janessa yell. I punched the guy in the gut. Son! I heard my Mom yell as she ran over to him. Get the hell out..I said looking at them with rage in my eyes. Excuse me? she asked looking at me. I said, get the hell out.. she just looked at me. NOW! I yelled picking up the guy and throwing him out of the door. My Mom just stared at me. You've changed, son..she said shaking her head. Yeah? Well, it's nice to see you're still the same old slut I call a mother. I said leaning against the counter. She looked shocked and made her way over to the door. By the way.. I don't like her; you can do better. she said. My blood instantly boiled. I slammed the door in her face and locked it. I turned to be met by Janessa.

Janessa POV: Tears were flowing out of my eyes. Princess..Jon said starting to walk towards me. I backed up slowly. Princess, it's alright. he said coming closer. My back hit the wall. I gulped. I'm not gonna hurt you. he said intertwining both of our hands. I just looked back at him. I'm sorry you had to see that. he said quietly. I shook my head. Ey, don't listen to her. he said lifting my chin to look at him. You're amazing. he said pecking my forehead. Well, that's not the way I wanted that to go. he said. I let out a small laugh. He smiled and wiped my tears. You're beautiful even when you're crying. he said reaching down and pecking my lips. I smiled and kissed back. He pulled away and smirked. We could both smell food. is done. Jon said laughing and dragging me into the kitchen.

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