I Think I Wanna Marry You..

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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: So, I actually wanted to lay something by you..I said looking over at Joe as he drove. Oh yeah? he asked. Let's hear it. I think I wanna marry Janessa. I said. He instantly stopped the car and my head hit the dashboard. I looked at him in shock. Bro, what the fuck!? I asked. You wanna marry a girl? he asked looking at me. I nodded as I rubbed my head. Thanks a lot man. I said rolling my eyes and sitting back in my seat. I'm sorry man, you just don't seem like the type to settle down. he said starting to drive again. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. I'm not the type to settle down? I asked. He nodded. I just can't see you with a family or a wife. he said with a shrug. Gee, thanks bro. I said staring out the window. Dammit Jon, I didn't mean it like that. Nah, it's whatever man; I guess I'll never be like you; Successful police officer along with being a WWE Superstar and having a wife and a family on the side. I said. He rolled his eyes. I'm just saying it's not easy, but I'm proud of you for actually considering marrying a girl, but seriously; you..kids? he asked. I face palmed. I never said anything about kids man. I said. He let out a chuckle. Psst, neither did I man; now look at me now. She's gonna be 7 in a few months..Time flies. he said pulling up to the station. I shrugged. I guess whatever happens happens. I'm not gonna worry about it, I'm gonna plan everything out. I want this to be special for her, but I need a favor from you..I said as he stopped the car in front of the station. He let at me with an eyebrow raised. Will you be my best man?

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