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Janessa POV: I followed Officer Good into StarBuck's and watched as he examined the menu. Got your mind made up? he asked looking at me. I looked at the menu and nodded. I'll take a Vanilla Bean Frappachino, please. I said smiling. He laughed and rolled his eyes as he put in the order. We paid and went and sat down in a booth. I watched as he removed his police jacket to reveal a shirt that complimented his abs perfectly. I was removed from my thoughts when I saw him snap his fingers. You know, it's rude to stare? he asked with  smirk. I rolled my eyes. I'm sorry Officer Good. I said innocently. He laughed. You're really pushing it..By the way, call me Jon. he said. I smiled and nodded. I never did ask your name..What is it if you don't mind me asking? Janessa Rose. I said smiling as our drink's showed up. We smiled at the waitress and took a sip as she walked away. Janessa Rose..Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl. he said taking a sip of his coffee. Wait..Rose...Is your mother, Janet Rose? he asked. I put my drink down and nodded sadly. Your Mom is the one that was in that car wreck last week wasn't she? he asked. I nodded as tears ran down my cheeks. Oh shit. he said coming over to my side and wrapping an arm around me. Shh it's alright, Princess. he said rubbing my back soothingly. I cried into his shirt until I had no more tears left in me. It just sucks Officer Good. I said letting out a weep as he rubbed my back. Her and my older brother are all I have. I said sadly. Now it's just me and my brother. I said sadly. What about your father? he asked.

Jon (Dean POV):  What about your father? I asked not knowing I was going to regret it. My Dad..I don't even know. He walked out on us a few year's after I was born. My brother doesn't talk about him..Say's it brings back bad memories we don't wanna dwell on. she said wiping her eye's with a tissue. I looked at her ith a sympathetic smile on his face. No one deserves to go through that, Princess. I said rubbing her back. I had to deal with the same thing, but mine's a little bit more hard core. My Dad used to beat the crap out of my Mom and I until we could barely stand. He would go out and get drunk and then he would come home and take out his agression on us. I haven't seen the son of a bitch in year's. I find him, I'm gonna arrest him and make him pay for the thing's he put my Mom and I through. I said through gritted teeth. I felt her put her hand on my thigh and rub it. I slowly closed my eye's and rubbed it.

Janessa POV: I watched as Jon slowly started to calm down. I'm sorry...he said. I shook my head. No, I understand, sometimes you just have to let it all out. He nodded as his two officer's buddies walked in.

Jon (Dean Ambrose): God, there you are. Colby said patting me on the shoulder. We thought some criminal's got a hold of you or something. Joe said. I shook my head towards Janessa. Oh, I'm sorry..Are we interrupting something? Colby asked with a smirk in my direction. I rolled my eye's. No, actually I was just leaving. I have to get back to my friend who is probably worried sick about me. she said standing up and putting my jacket on. I stood up and put my arm's on both sides of me. You alright? I asked. Y..Y..Yeah. she said stuttering looking at my hand's. Janessa, I know that we just met this morning and the fact that I'm a cop probably puts you on edge, but I want you to be able to talk to me. I said pulling out a notepad and a pen. You and your brother ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I said handing her a sheet of paper with my information on it. She looked at it and smiled. Thank you Officer Go..I gave her a stern look. I mean, Jon. she said smiling. I smiled and pecked her forehead. You have a good rest of the night, Princess. I said with a wink as I made my way back to the cop car with Joe and Colby.

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