Plan A

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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: So, here's the plan. I said pulling out the blueprints and drawing a model of the building. I want you two on this perimeter of the building. I said pointing. Jeff always goes to take out the "trash" at approximately 10:45 everyday. Anoai. I said looking at Joe. You and I are gonna barricade this door. No one's getting in or out. We clear? I saw him nod. Good. How do you know all this? I heard one of the new guy's ask. I'm a cop, just part of the job. I said. Now Janessa..I said turning and looking at her.

Janessa POV: I gulped. Y..You need me to do something? I asked. I saw him nod as he grabbed the blue prints and walked over to me. He sat down next to me. I need you to "distract" Bray and Matt at this point right here. They always leave at approximately 10:30 and I need to make sure they don't get far. he said. I knew exactly what kinda "distract" he meant. No, I'm not doing that. Nope, not happening. I said standing up and folding my arm's. He stood up and put his hands on both sides of my arm's. Princess, come on. he said. I shook my head. Do it for your brother..he said. No response. Do it for the team! I heard Joe yell from behind me. I turned around and saw him with a smirk on his face. I let out a small laugh and turned and looked back at him. Do it for me..he said in a whisper rubbing my sides. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, I promise. he said in a whisper. And Jon keeps his promises. I heard Joe say. He nodded. I sighed. Alright, fine. I said quietly. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me swaying us back and forth.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I'm gonna protect you, Princess. I said kissing her forehead. I promise. I felt her nod and pull away from me. Alright, gear up. We got a busy day ahead of us. I said as everyone went to their office's and started gearing up.

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