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I'm sorry if this update sucks, I don't really know how to write wedding scenes Lol

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I looked around at all the men dressed in tuxes in front of me. Today is the day. Today I am marrying Janessa Rose. I took a deep breath as Joe came up and slapped me on the shoulder. I looked at him. How you feeling? he asked. Nervous as hell..I said. He chuckled. The waiting is always the hard part. he said. I nodded. Yeah, you should know. I said nudging him. He rolled his eyes. You're a real dick, man. he said with a laugh. I let out a chuckle as I fixed the sleeve of my tux. Everything is gonna be fine, man. This is your day. he said hitting his drink against mine. This is to your future. he said. I nodded as I took a sip of my drink. And that's why you're my best friend, bro. I said hugging him. He smirked. It's a full time gig. he said with a laugh. I chuckled as I put him into a chokehold. He tapped and I let him out. I laughed as our wedding photographer walked into the room. Jon, could I get a few pictures of you and the guys? she asked. Yeah, come on boys. I said motioning for them to follow. I grabbed the WWE Championship and followed her out to where we would be taking pictures.

Janessa POV: I was seated in hair and makeup when Adam walked in. I looked at him through the mirror. Wow, big brother cleans up good, who knew? I asked with a laugh. Ha, very funny. he said with an eye roll. I laughed. You look beautiful baby sis; Mom would've been proud of you. he said standing behind me and rubbing my shoulder. I wiped a tear as it left my eye. Thanks big bro. I said smiling. He smiled. I can't believe my sister is getting married, and to Dean Fucking Ambrose! he said. I laughed. It still doesn't seem real. I said looking at the photo album of Jon and I. It's crazy..I said looking at all the pictures. The lady got finished up my hair. Okay, we're done. she said smiling. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wiped a tear as it left my eye. Thank you so much. I said smiling and pulling her into a hug. No problem, sweetie. she said pulling away with a smile on my face. Our wedding photographer walked into the room. Janessa, would you mind if I get a few quick pictures of you and your brother? she asked. Of course. I said with a smile. Adam lifted me up and held me bridal style. He winked as the camera went off and I couldn't held but smile. He put his arm around my waist and I pecked his cheek. Thank you both. she said smiling at me. By the way, they're ready for you. she said with a smile. I took a deep breath. You ready for this? Adam asked looking at me. I nodded. Yeah. I said as I lopped my arm through his. We walked down to the entrance of the chapel. I watched as all of our wedding party filed in. I smiled as Champ walked up to me. Hey Boy. I said petting his head. He licked my hand. I smiled as the doors to the chapel opened.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: All stand for the welcoming of the bride. I watched as Janessa, Adam, and Champ walked into the chapel. I honestly believed my heart stopped. She looked so damn beautiful. I saw her smile grow as she got closer and closer to me. I wiped a couple tears from my eyes as I made my way down the staircase and up to them. Who gives the bride away? the priest asked. I do. Adam said nodding at me. And what about you. the priest asked looking at Champ. Champ let out a bark. We all laughed. Fairly well. the priest said. Adam handed Janessa over to me and I engulfed him into a hug. Thank you so fucking much. I whispered. He pulled away from me and patted my shoulder. Be good to her. he said. I nodded. Always. he nodded and pecked Janessa's cheek as he headed towards his seat. I turned my attention to Janessa. Ey there. I said with a smirk. Everyone laughed. She laughed and grabbed my hand as we headed up the stairs toward the priest.

Wedding Goers POV: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in Union Jonatan Lee Good and Janessa Adelaine Rose. Before I begin is there anyone here who has a reason to object to this Union? Speak now, or forever hold your peace. We all looked around. Nothing. Fairly well. the priest said continuing. He turned his attention to Jon. Jon, are you ready to commit yourself to Janessa? To love her and only her. Are you ready to leave your boys behind, friends, family. Jon is no longer the Jon you all once knew. He now has a wife to care for. Are you ready for this Jon? he asked. Jon nodded. He turned his attention to Janessa. And what about you? he asked. I was born ready. she said with a smile on her face. Everyone in the audience smiled. Very well, may I have the rings? he asked. We watched as Champ walked up and the priest untied the rings from the ribbon around Champ's neck. He handed one to Jon. Jon, place this ring on her finger. Jon did as he was told. Repeat after me. With this ring, I bewed. With this ring, I bewed. we heard Jon say as he pushed the ring onto Janessa's finger. Janessa was handed a ring. She grabbed Jon's hand. Janessa, place this ring on Jon's finger. Repeat after me. With this ring, I bewed. We watched as Janessa did as she was told. And by the power vested in me by the great state of California, I now pronounce you Superstar and Wife, you may kiss your bride. We all watched as Jon dipped Janessa and attacked his lips to hers. They pulled away from each other and we heard a bottle of champagne pop open. Jon held up Janessa's arm and Yes chants started to explode through the room. It is my pleasure to present to you, Mr and Mrs. Jonathan Good! Jon and Janessa made their way through the chapel and out the door.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Once we were outside of the chapel I instantly pushed Janessa against the wall and attacked my lips to hers. She instantly kissed back. We pulled away when we heard someone clear their throat from behind us. We looked to see Joe standing there. I would hate to break up this love fest, I believe a celebration is in order. he said with a smirk handing Janessa and I each a glass of champagne. We be there in a minute. I said nodding at him. He nodded and walked back into the room. I turned my attention back to Janessa. Well, Mrs. Good, I believe a celebration is in order. I said smiling at her. She smiled and clanked my glass against her. Don't wanna keep them waiting. she said with a laugh and clasped my arm through hers as we walked into the reception hall the first time as husband and wife.

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