The Good Household

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Janessa POV: I watched as Jon pulled up to an apartment building. I got out and examined the apartment's. From what I could see from the outside, they looked really nice. I grabbed my bag from Jon and we all made our way into the house. I watched as people talked amongst themselves as we walked to Jon's apartment. He stopped at Room 101 and pulled out a key. He opened the door and it opened to reveal a German Shepherd puppy sitting there wagging it's tail. Ey pal. Jon said picking him up and smiling. I smiled as Adam stepped into the house. Jon looked at me. Coming in? he asked with a laugh putting the dog back down. I nodded with a laugh and made my way into the house.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: So, I guess you guy's want a run down of the place huh? I asked watching Janessa look around. I laughed when her eye's landed on an old picture of me in my wrestling gear. She turned and nodded. Yeah, that would be great man. Adam said nodding. Alright, follow me. I said walking to the back of the apartment with my dog, Jack right on my tail. Alright, so this is kinda the man cave. I said opening the door to a room holding video game systems, a flat screen tv, mini fridge, and every video game you could ever imagine. Woah..Adam said walking in and examining the place. Can I play these? he asked looking like a kid in a candy store. I laughed and nodded. I'm gonna finish showing your sister around, then I'll be in here. I said watching him turn the game on.

Janessa POV: I had walked away from the boy's so they could talk boy talk. I walked into a room that I imagined was his room. I looked around at it. Wrestling posters of The Shield lined the walls. I looked to my right and on his wall was a photo of a family. I slowly made my way over and took it off the wall and examined it. There was a kid dressed in rugged clothes, a man in a black biker jacket, and a woman with a torn dress.

Jon (Dean Ambrose): I walked into my room to see Janessa looking at my family photo. I slowly made my way over and put my hand on her shoulder knocking her from her thoughts. She looked at me. Your Dad I imagine? she asked. I nodded. She put the picture down and hugged me. I'm sorry, Jon. she whispered. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her swaying us back and forth. It's not your fault at all, Janessa. I said stroking her hair and kissing her head. I kept my arms wrapped around her for awhile. I don't know why, or what it is but whenever I'm around Janessa, all I want to do is protect her and let her know that someone does care about her. I pulled away after awhile and saw she had a smile on her face. I laughed. So, you wanna see the rest of the place? I asked. She nodded and I grabbed her hand and walked to show her the rest of the house.

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