Take A Bullet Straight Through My Brain; Yes I Would Die For You Baby...

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Janessa POV: Where are you taking us? I asked with tears in my eye's. Colby looked at me and laughed. Somewhere were your lover boy cop can't find us. he said taking an exit. You know he's gonna find you, and when he does..You're DEAD. I said yelling. HaHa, your precious little officer is going to be the one that's dead. he said pulling up to an abandoned building. Do you guy's see..a dancing bunny? Adam asked with an asmued expression on his face. Colby looked at him and laughed. I hate you! I said yelling at him. He laughed. Don't hate the player, hate the game. He got out of the car and grabbed us just as Jon and the swat pulled up.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Lopez, let em go. I said as we held our guns at gunpoint. Oh, I'm so freaking scared;  Jonathan Good and his little army of cop's. he said with a smirk and a laugh. Should be. I said as Champ came up behind him and tackled him. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Janessa pulling the trigger. No! I said grabbing Janessa and pulling her from him as the bullet pierced my arm. Jon! I heard Janessa yell, but that's all I remembered.

Janessa POV: I watched as Jon just took a bullet for me. I quickly ran over to him and watched his body. His pulse was there, but it was mild. Somebody get help! I yelled with tears flowing from my eye's. I watched as my brother hobbled around. My eye's locked on Colby as he stared at Jon's body laughing. I hate you! I shrieked pouncing on him. I managed to get a few good hits on him before I was pulled off of him. Calm down, Janessa. I heard Joe say. Joe, let me go! I said trying to get out of his grip. I could see Jon move a little and Joe let me go. I kneeled down next to Jon as he weakly looked at me. Janessa..he said. I nodded. I'm right here Jon. I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. I'm sorry..he said quietly rubbing my hand. I shook my head. Jon, you took a bullet for me..no one has ever done anything that daring for me. Thank you. I said. He weakly smiled. I'm a cop, I'm just doing my job. he said. I could Joe speak up from behind us. Drop the BS "Cop" stuff and kiss already. he said rolling his eye's. I laughed as Jon let out a weak chuckle. I leaned my head down to meet his and our lips touched. They moved completely in sinc with each other. I pulled away after awhile and looked at Jon. Well..now I definitely need air support. he said laughing as my brother grogily walked back from getting treated by EMT's. How do you feel, Adam? I asked. He rubbed his head. Little drousy, but I'm alright. I watched as Colby started to get up. I ran and charged at him. I beated on him until I was picked up and brought to a cop car. I had tears in my eye's when he sat me down in the car. He kneeled down in front of me. Janessa, Jon's gonna be alright; kid's been through worse, he can handle this. he said reassuringly. And what if he can't? I asked tears flowing out of my eye's. He just saw his Dad for what..the first time in year's? He found out one of his best friend's is working for the enemy, and not to mention..got shot. I said as Joe embraced me into his arms.  He'll be fine, Janessa; Just calm down. he said rubbing my back as I cried into his shirt. I'll be back in a few minutes. he said gently placing me back in the car closing the door, and going to help the guy's. I watched as Colby was placed into a cop car and it pulled off behind three other one's. Wait..Matt and Bray are still out there. I thought. I quickly pulled out a walkie talkie and a tazer and made my way past the cops and around the other side of the building. I slowly turned the corner and backed up when I saw them about to hop the fence. I turned on my walkie and phoned Joe. Red apple to curly hair, suspect's are about to jump the fence on the west wing; Send backup. I said. He instantly replied. Janessa?! Wtf are you doing?! I told you to stay in the car! he yelled over the walkie. I watched the guy's. You and Jon have protected me all this week and I know all you guy's wanted was to catch these guy's and to help me get my brother back. Brother part is done, now it's time I help you. I said. Copy that, sending backup. he said just as the guy's hopped the fence. I ran the other direction.

Joe (Roman Reigns) POV: I yelled for back-up and they were instantly behind me. We met at the west wing, and all hell broke loose.

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