WWE SmackDown

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Janessa POV: I got in the car as Jon and Adam filed in. Jon buckled up and started the car. So, where are we going? Adam asked. Yeah, where are we going?? I asked looking at Jon. That's a surprise. he said backing out of the driveway. I pouted. You're no fun. I said with a frown. Jon laughed and turned on the radio. I looked out of the window as we made our way onto the highway.

~30 Minutes Later ~ Janessa POV: No fucking way! I heard Adam yell from behind us. I looked at Jon and he smirked as he drove past a sign for an advertisement for the WWE event held in Jersey tonight. My jaw dropped as we pulled into the back parking lot in spot marked with Reserved. Jon turned off the car and looked at us. Well..We gonna go in or just sit here? he asked opening the door and getting out. I looked back at Adam as he raced out of the car. I laughed and got out.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I watched as the security guard walked out from the back door. I grabbed Janessa's hand and walked over to him with Adam behind us. Jon, nice to see you again. he said shaking my hand. Yeah, you too Leati. I said shaking his hand back. So, who are these two? he asked. I looked at Adam and Janessa. This is my uh..girl?..Uh..friend?..Uh..I said trying to gather the words. She's your FWB? Leati asked with an eyebrow raised. Janessa and I both nodded. He nodded understandingly. I turned my attention to Adam. And this is her brother, Adam. They shook hands. Alright, so you know the plan for tonight right? he asked pulling me away from them. I nodded. I'm kinda nervous man..I said. He laughed and nugged me. You'll be fine, bro; You're Dean Ambrose. I looked at him and nodded. Yeah..You're right, I'm Dean Ambrose. I said nodding with a smirk. So, any of the Superstars and Divas here yet? I asked. He nodded. Few of em are already here. he said nodding. I wanted Janessa and Adam to get the chance to meet them; They're HUGE WWE fans. While, I know they're going to love what you have planned for them; especially Janessa. he said patting my shoulders. I shrugged. I don't know, man; I'm just nervous, I guess. I said sighing. Leati laughed. Dude come on, you've had a lot of other girl's; what makes this one any different? he asked. Janessa is different; I honestly feel like I could see myself with this girl forever. Both of our stories are complete mirror images of each other. She just understands me; I don't know. I said shrugging. It's just crazy. I said. Leati smirked at me. Someone's smitten. he said lightly pushing me. I rolled my eyes. Can I just have the backstage passes and my locker room key, please? He laughed again and pulled them out of his pocket. Here you go, Ambrose. he said with a smirk and handing them to me. Thank you, Leati. So, I meet you at gorilla at eight correct? I asked. He nodded. That's correct. Alright, sounds good. I replied as I walked back to Janessa and Adam. I handed them their backstage passes. Put these on. I said as I opened the door for them to go into the arena. I walked in and saw the guy who ended my career in the WWE; Seth Lopez.

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