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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Dude, what the fuck?! I asked as Colby pulled around the corner. I looked back to see her still standing there. Sorry man, but we're needed elsewhere. Colby said driving to the bar. I didn't even get her name. I said thumping him on the back. Ow! he said pulling over and throwing punches at me from the front seat. Ey, you two break this shit up! Joe said pulling us apart. We're all partner's, let's freaking act like it. he said in a pissed off expression. Colby and I pulled away and resumed our normal position's in our seat's. And Jon, it isn't Colby's fault you didn't get the chick's name; You're a cop, that's supposed to be one of the first thing's you ask. Joe said. I rolled my eye's looking out the window knowing he was right. Colby pulled up to the bar and we all got out and examined the scene. It's going to be a long day..I thought as we barged into the bar.

Janessa POV: I watched as the car's light's and siren's blared as they pulled off. I slowly made my way back to my little home where I knew my older brother would be waiting for me. I walked in and was met by my brother sitting at the table sipping some hot chocolate. He looked at the time on his watch. You're late. he said handing me a cup of hot chocolate. I took it from him and took a sip. I removed my bundle's of layer's and sat down across from him. He looked at me as our dog, Pharoh came walking into the room. You alright? he asked with a raised eyebrow. I pet Pharaoh and looked at it. Yeah, why do you ask? You just seem distracted..Something happen on your route today? he asked. I thought about Officer Good. Nope, nothing. I said finishing my hot chocolate. He nodded like he was convinced. Well, your friend, Jamie called and she said to be ready in an hour; You two are going Black Friday shopping. he said handing me a few hundred dollars. I shrieked and hugged him. He laughed and hugged me back. Thanks big bro. I said smiling. Anytime baby sister. he said kissing my forehead. Now, go get ready. You know Jamie doesn't like to wait. he said laughing. I laughed. Yeah you're right. I said heading up the stair's to my room.

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