Three Options

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Colby (Seth Rollins): I watched as the boy's beat on Janessa. Leave my sister alone! I heard her brother yell. I looked over at him. Shut the hell up, or you're next. I said coldly. I heard a door slam open. FUCK! I yelled slamming my fists against the walls. What now? Matt asked. Go! I yelled. What about them? the guy's asked. Grab em and go. I said grabbing Janessa and running to our van.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I watched as they ran out of the building. Not today Lopez. I said with a smirk and sending Champ down after him. Let's go! I said running down the stairs just in time to see Champ attack one of the dude's to the ground. Colby pulled out a gun and put it to Janessa's head. Joe and I both held our hands up. Janessa looked so broken. I watched as Colby put his finger on the trigger. You got three options, Jon. Leave the girl alone. I said through gritted teeth. Colby smirked. One..I could kill her..Right here...right now. he said with a smirk. I balled my fist. But Nah..That would be too easy. he said with a chuckle.  Option two..You let us all go, and all this will be just an ugly memory. Or three..I can kill you. he said aiming the gun at me. Lopez, why the hell are you doing this shit? Joe asked. Because, you two were always off doing something else and I was stuck at the station being a fucking loner. You two are supposed to be my friend's! he yelled putting the gun back to Janessa's head. Dude..let's talk about this. I said stepping up to him. Make one more move Jon..and the girl.. dies. I could see Janessa look at me as a tear ran down her cheek. I gulped and back up next to Joe. Good choice. he said with a smirk as a guy got out of the car. He looked at me. Nice to see you again..Son. he said. I could instantly feel my blood boil. There in front of me stood the one man I hated more then anyone on the planet; my father. This guy put my Mom and I through 10 year's of hell. Jon...Don't. Joe said as I slowly pulled out my gun. Watch yourself, Good..Colby said with the gun to Janessa's head. Jon..Please. I could hear Janessa say with sadness in her voice. I backed up and put the gun back in my pocket. I put my hands up. You definitely are your mother's son. I could hear my Dad laugh from behind me. I had it. I pulled my gun out and tazed him making him fall to the ground. Joe quickly ran and cuffed him as Colby ran off with Janessa. Jon, go; I got this one. Joe said. I nodded and raced off to my cop car to catch up with Colby.

Officer "Good" (Dean Ambrose Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora