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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Well Well Well, I think someone has a crush. Colby said with a smirk as we got into the car. I rolled my eyes and buckled up as Joe but in. They grow up so fast. Joe said dabbing his eyes with a Kleenex. Both of you are asshole's. I said rolling my eyes as we headed back to the station.

Janessa POV: I walked out of StarBuck's where I was met by Jamie. There you are, I've been looking for you for a half hour! she practically yelled. I laughed. Well, you weren't looking hard enough. I said. She rolled her eye's. Come on, it's getting late. Jay is going to kill me if I don't get home soon. I said pulling her towards her car.

Janessa POV: We pulled up to my house and I said bye to Jamie and grabbed my bag's and walked into the house. Pharoh was laying on the couch sleeping but shot his head up when he saw me. He wagged his tail and slowly made his way over to me. I smiled and pet his head. Come on P, time for bed. I said heading up the stair's to my room. I walked past Jay's room to see he was fast asleep. I opened the door to my room and Pharoh instantly bolted in and laid on my bed. I laughed and went to my closet and pulled out a pair of PJ's. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my PJ's and brushed my teeth. I hooked my phone up to the charger when I remembered the piece of paper Jon gave me. I pulled it out of my pocket and programmed his information into my phone under the name Officer Jon Good. I sent him a quick text. Thank you for today, you didn't have to buy me Starbuck's, or even acknowledge me for that matter..But I'm glad we were able to talk. Hope you and the guy's have a good and safe night. Night Officer Good..I mean Jon (;. I said rereading the text and hitting send. I laid my head on my pillow as Pharoh came and laid next to me. I smiled. Night P. I said kissing his head as I fell asleep.

Jon (Dean Ambrose): I was listening to another one of my boss's boring lectures when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number. I read it and knew it was from Janessa. I smirked and saved her number into my phone. It's no problem at all, Princess. Gonna be a long night..Like I said, you need me..don't be afraid to ask. Good Night, Janessa ;). I said sending the text and placing my phone back in my pocket as we just received a disturbance call.

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