Locker Room

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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: We finally made it to my locker room, I was about to open the door when Joe appeared. He looked at us with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door. I motioned for Janessa to go in and turned my attention back to Joe. So, looks like everything worked itself out, huh? he asked. I shrugged. We're not as good as we used to, but we're working on it. I said. Fuck man, you don't know what that girl does to me. I can't even explain it, it's just every time I'm around her, something comes over me and I become someone I never was with any other girl. I said leaning on the wall next to my locker room and running a hand through my hair. Damn man, I didn't think it was that serious. Joe said looking at me. You have no idea, bro..I said twirling my engagement ring around on my finger.

Janessa POV: I looked around the locker room. Shield posters lined the wall. In the corner sat a table of water bottles, I assumed they were for Jon and Joe before and after their matches. There was a changing room in the corner. I smiled and pulled out Jon's Shield gear from his bag. I put it on a hanger and hung it up on the stall door. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I watched as the door to the room was being opened. I locked eyes with Renee Young. My eyes shot daggers. Oh, I must have the wrong room. she said. I stood up. Looking for Jon? I asked. She nodded. This is his locker room. I said. She slowly nodded. Why are you in here? she asked. Jon brought me. I said with a shrug. She cocked her head to the side. Who are you? she asked. I'm his fiancé. I said showing her the ring on my finger.

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