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Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: I pulled up to Janessa's house to see a Black SUV parked outside. That SOB..I thought as I kicked the door open. I walked into the house to see my suspicions were proven correct; There stood my..Dad beating on Adam. Get the fuck off of him. I yelled prying him off of Adam as Janessa made her way downstairs.

Janessa POV: I heard a door slam open. I made my way downstairs to see Jon prying the guy off of Adam. I looked at who it was. There stood Jon's father. Jon pinned him up against the wall and cuffed him. He slammed him down onto the ground and started yelling at him.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Four year's man; Four year's you put Mom and I through hell! I yelled kicking him. I heard him scream out in pain, but it just intrigued me to continue. I laughed coldy as a smirk grew on my face. How does it feel huh? Doesn't feel good does it! I asked laughing.

Janessa POV: I watched as more cop's barged into the house. Janessa; Take Jon upstairs! I heard someone yell. I turned to see Joe. He nodded at me and I quickly grabbed Jon's hand and went up to my room. I opened the door and made him sit down on my bed. Jon, calm down. I said. Calm down?! I can't calm down! Janessa, that guy has put my Mom and I through hell and back and you're asking me to calm down?! Oh, and did I fail to mention he's put you and your brother through hell? Oh, and to top it off..He's a piece of shit! Jon said yelling the last part. Jon, you don't mean any of that. I said shaking my head. He looked at me and laughed coldly. I don't mean any of it?! He asked with a laugh. Janessa, Where the hell is your Dad; Huh? he asked. I gulped as a tear left my eye and I could see Jon's face soften.

Jon (Dean Ambrose) POV: Princess, I didn't mean- I started to say as I got up to hug her. No, don't talk to me Jon! she said trying to walk out of the room but I quickly grabbed the door knob before she could. Get your hand..off the door... she said in a pissed off tone. I sighed and let out a small laugh at how tough she thought she was. Princess, I'm sorry. I said looking at her.

Janessa POV: I rolled my eyes. Jon, don't do that to me; I'm mad at you. I said annoyed. He looked at me like he didn't know what he was doing. Do what? he asked with an innocent expression on his face. That look, the eye's, Princess; I can't handle when you do that and you know it gets to me. I said rolling my eyes. He laughed. I know nothing. he said with a smirk and leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes as my bedroom door was being opened. I looked to see Joe.

Jon (Dean Ambrose POV): We got the guy and he's in custody; He's on his way to the station. Joe said. I nodded. Good, the SOB deserves it... I said coldly. Jon, enough. I heard Janessa say from behind me. I just rolled my eye's.

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