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"so how was the ball the other night?" I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my cappuccino "shit like expected. Full of rich snobs. The bar man was alright to talk to but the rest arent worth it. What did you do?" "Went to the pub" "argh rub it in" Brit smirked "tommy kicked shaes arse in pool" "what?" "Yep" "damn it I had been waiting to see that happen and I missed out" "up for a game tonight?. They have a comp going" "Hell yes. I'm staying at your place" "you are always welcome" anything to avoid my parents and stupid stuck up sister. "man I have to go back to work" "you don't need to work" "yes I do. I need to get as far away from that family as possible" Brit smirked "ask shae to give you a room" "I might have to do that. I will hopefully have my own place in a few weeks" "got enough saved?" "Yes" "glad to hear it" "what about you and Colton?" "What about us?" "Come on we can all see you two like each other" Brit grinned "well I do not know. he hasn't made any advances" "woman take your chance and stick your tongue down his throat" "he is supposed..." "Nope not in this day and age. I better get back to work" "alright see you straight after work?" "Meet you at the pub?" "Yep, I will be there".

Rushing back to work, feeling an arm grab me, i turned to hit the person. Seeing it was Lucas, I grinned "well hey there stranger" "you coming tonight?" "The pub?" "Yep" "I will be there I have to go" Lucas nodded.

"Just on time" I grinned "I'm always back in time" "that's true. We need to get this car finished before three" "let's get to it then".
I do love this job, working on cars and getting dirty. it's good fun but it's not my dream job.
"Excuse me" wheeling out from under the car, I stood up and wiped my hands on my pants then walked out to the office.
"Is my car done?" Not even looking at the bloke, I sat down "the Chrysler?" "Yes". Looking up, I internally grinned "not yet. about thirty minutes" "I was told three o'clock" looking at my watch, I nodded "fine twenty seven minutes". The guy kept his eyes on mine "wait I know you" "nah" getting up he spoke "you are Reilly's sister" "it's always Reilly's sister" "i forgot your name" "well you remember her. Go see her. I have job to do" "a woman should not be working on a car" "well you can take it as it is if you really want but good luck driving it without oil and water" "are you always this way?" "Only to those who think they are better than others" walking into the garage, I laid back down and wheeled myself back under the car. "I do not think that way" "you can't be out here" "I can do what I want" "of course you can" putting the bolts back on, I wheeled myself out and stood up. "what is he doing out here?, You know people can not be in the garage" "I already told him that but he can do what he wants supposedly. Just give me five minutes, I need to put oil and water in the car and it should be good to go".
"This woman should not be working on cars" "she knows more about cars than some men do. She is a hard worker and knows what she is doing" concentrating on my job, I zoned them out.
Dropping the car down, I started it up. "It's done". "Can you finalize it?" "Sure Matt".
"Mister Mancini, you can follow me to the office".
"You are definitely not like your sister" "no I'm not and I'm thrilled" "how can you come from a prestigious family and be like you are?" "Thats two thousand and sixty one dollars" "when you answer my question".
"Why are you so curious about me?. according to others you can get any woman you want" "oh I can" "good" "but my eyes are set on only one" "then go get her" "she is standing right in front of me" "I'm not your type" "I can change that" "I'm not changing. Now if you want your car, I suggest you pay and then go get it" "what is so bad about the high life?" I rolled my eyes "maybe you should ask what is good about it" "there is plenty" "I'm not seeing anything" "let me change your mind" "look I'm not interested in being some house wife that sits around doing nothing but throwing tea parties, dresses and walks like they have something up their ass and eating food that tastes so fucking bland it wouldnt even tickle the taste buds. I surely dont drink cat piss and I do not like men that think a woman is beneath them and thinks they can man handle them. I like to live my life, having fun, getting dirty and drinking beer with my mates" "that's not all we do" "listen to classical music too I'm sure" "the women maybe" "yeah well I can't stand it. Now are you going to pay and leave?. You wanted your car at three, it is now three twenty" "I will have you" rolling my eyes, I scoffed "in your dreams maybe" "through your parents" "go see them then" "you don't seem fazed" "I'm not" "if they can make you go to the ball, they can make you come with me" I smirked "I only went for the free drinks. I could've got out of it".
"We will see. But when I get you, you will change" I internally grinned "sure bud. Now pay and go" Mister mancini paid for his car and I threw his keys on the top of the desk "bye" he smirked "see you soon..." I chuckled "hopeless".
Looks like I better go grab some things from the house so I don't have to go back there.
"Matt I need to go" "how long?" "Fifteen max" "go".
Running out, I jumped in my car then took off back to the house. Entering via my window, I grabbed a couple of duffle bags and filled them with clothes and bathroom items. Grabbing my papers and making sure I had my ID, I jumped out my window and got in my car throwing both bags on the back seat. Fuck that shit, there is no way in hell I am going with that asshole.

"Didn't take you long" "nah just needed to go pick something up. How's the Audi coming along?" "Nearly done. That customer is a pain in my ass" "which customer?" "That Mancini" "argh yours and mine both" "how do you know him?" "I had to go to a stupid ball in replacement for my sister and he was supposed to be my date" "supposed to be?" "Yep I just went for the free drinks" matt let out a laugh as he laid beneath the car "so what happened?" "I drank as I spoke with the barman. He came over after about two hours and grabbed my shoulder. We spoke a few words and he grabbed my arm basically dragging me across the ballroom into a private room" "you slept with him?" "Hell no. I told him I'm not interested, then left" matt cracked up laughing. "You have no care in the world do you?" "I care just not about rich snobs" "fair call. Most women just want money and the fancy things".
"Ahh one sec matt " "sure".
"Hello April Gomez speaking" "hi April my name is Edward. I am calling on behalf of your grandfather Lionel. have I caught you at a bad time?" "my grandfather passed away but no" "I am well aware of that, I am in charge of his will. Before he died he asked me to contact you directly" "his will?" "Yes ma'am" "April" "April have you got the time to come see me in the next couple of days in the afternoon?. I have two o'clock free on both days" "yes I can do that. Tomorrow will be fine" "fantastic I can send you the details of my office via message if you are happy with that?" "That is fine. Thankyou Edward" "you are welcome have a good day" "you too, thank you". Hanging up the phone, matt looked at me curiously "not working tomorrow?" "Yes I will be here. I will use my lunch break to go see that man" "you know I would give you time anyway. Well it's nearly five o'clock we should start packing up" "sounds like a good idea to me I need a drink and to play some pool" "I will be there too" "well chop chop" matt laughed "did he frustrate you that much?" "All of them do".

Not A CinderellaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora