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"All done" turning around I grinned "get ready" seeing a little girl run up the stairs Brenton grabbed a raft and put it in the water. "Ready?" "Yes yes yes" Brenton grinned showing his handsome smile "ready, set, go" Brenton pushed her down the slide getting covered in water making me chuckle "so which part do you control?" "All of it" "I meant actually do things in?" "All of them but my favourite is definitely the kayaks" "where are they?" "Towards the back of the property. It has white water rapids" "that would be fun" "it is".
"I'm ready" I chuckled at the excitement in the little girls voice "well hop in and I will push you down" "yay" watching Brenton, I could see he was actually enjoying it.
"You like kids?" "Yeah I do they are just carefree and it's good to see them having fun. They should enjoy it before they grow up" "I agree".

When bridie got back she grinned "have fun there?" "I did actually" bridie grinned "never thought I'd see the day a businessman would do my job" I laughed "well he may be running the new section" "no way" I grinned "yep let's see if he can handle that" I winked at bridie making her laugh "what am I in for?" "Want to find out?" "Yes" "well let's go" Brenton grabbed his clothes and followed me down the stairs. Seeing a young girl crying I stopped.
"Hey sweetheart what's wrong?" "I can't find my mommy" "well my name is April what is yours?" "Na..Naomi" "that's a beautiful name. Let's find your mommy okay" the little girl nodded "do you know your last name?" "white" I nodded. Grabbing my radio I spoke "shut down the music. I need a call out for Naomi white. We are at the slides" "on it".
"Sorry to break into your fun everyone. Can the mother or father of Naomi white please make you way to the waters slides" "thanks beau" "welcome".
"Mommy will be here soon. Look what I have" Pulling out a small bear Naomi smiled "is this for me?" "It sure is" the little girl grinned as I handed her the bear.
"Naomi, oh my god I have been searching for you everywhere. Thank you ma'am" "April. And you are welcome. we do what we can in this park to make sure everyone is safe and having fun" "I have been so worried" "I can imagine. Have a good afternoon" "you too, Thankyou".
"You run this place well" "I try" "do you always carry something for the kids?" "Yes. it's not often I need to use them but it's handy" "I have never met someone like you" "I'm taking that as a positive" "it is" I nodded.
Walking through the park to the closed off area, I unlocked the gate and walked in holding it open for Brenton. "Holy crap" I grinned "it will be a good ride" "I can see that. Is that guy organising it?" "Carlton?" "yeah him" "yes but his wife just gave birth so he can have all the time he needs to come back. I'm in no rush" Brenton nodded.
"So how's it work?" "Smallest kid to the front. There are two levers at the top one to start and one to stop, the ride will do the rest itself" "seems easy enough" "we obviously need to do a few test rides first but Carlton has never let me down" "was he your first option?" "No but I'm glad I found him he is a good man". 
"What is a good man to you?" "One that's is respectful..one sec".
"Hello April maltri speaking" "April it's Adam" "what do you want?" "Please. I need your help" walking away from Brenton, I spoke "are you kidding me right now, after what you did, you expect me to help you?" "Look I'm sorry I was addicted but I promise you I'm clean. I have been for twelve months" "did you go to rehab?" "Yes I put myself in there" "what do you want help with?" "They found me" "who found you?" "My old dealers and they want my head. I have no one to turn to. Please I swear I will do anything" taking a deep breath I ran my hand through my hair "where are you Adam?" "The old hide out" "alright. give me twenty minutes" "thanks April" "you better not fuck this up" "I won't".
Hanging up the phone, I looked at Brenton "I have to go I'm sorry" "everything okay?" "No not really but I will sort it" walking out Brenton followed, locking the gate, I looked at Brenton "I need to run" "I will join you".
Running through the crowds of people up to the office, Brit, Lucas, troy and beau all looked at me "whats the emergency?" "Adam" "I fucking knew he would.." "look I have to go save his ass" "you can't forgive him" "I can't leave him stranded, drex wants his head" "he deserves it" "just take lead beau, I'm going" "he better be off the gear" "a year clean" beau nodded "alright I will take your word for it".
Running out to my car to my surprise Brenton got in "why are you coming?" "You shouldn't go on your own" "fine". Pulling out of the car park, I drove through the city to the back blocks.
When I got out of the car, drex had a gun pointed at Adams head. "drex" "well shit there's two of you" "put it down there is no need for that" "he owes me ten grand" "I will give you the ten grand just let him walk" "I ain't believing a word" "give me your bank details, I will deposit it right now" "April what the hell are you doing?" "Paying a fucking debt. what's it look like. Adam get in the car" Brenton shook his head "ten grand?" "Yes" "details?" Drex pointed his gun at me as he grabbed out his phone "it's in there" grabbing his phone, I copied his bank details and deposited ten grand on the spot. Showing him my phone he lowered the gun. "Phone" handing him his phone, he put it in his pocket. "You will stay off his back now?" "Debt settled. he is free to go" I nodded "good. now I need to deal with him" drex smirked "I think he would prefer the bullet" "probably" drex put his hand out and I shook it "take care drex" "tell me one thing April" "what?" "Why save his ass after what he did" "because he was once a good man" drex nodded "catch ya" "see ya".

"You let him put a gun to your head" ignoring brentons comment I looked at Adam through the rear vision mirror "you and I are going to have a nice long chat" "I guessed we would".
"Why the hell would you do that April?" "Because I know drex okay. Just leave it".
Driving back to work, I parked the car and got out, adam and Brenton doing the same. "Let's go" entering the office, no one said a word as we walked past. Getting to the back room, I pulled a chair out for Adam then moved to sit down. Brenton stood in the corner. "You call me after four years to save your fucking ass after you put doms sister in danger. she could've lost her fucking life because of your stupidity. You are fucking lucky I didn't let him shoot you. You owe me ten grand and you will work it off" "I was an idiot, I let the drug take over" "idiot? oh no I have a worse word for you. You betrayed us. Do you know how close Sam was to losing her fucking life. You gave a thirteen year old girl acid for fuck sake. You said you have been clean for a year?" "Yes I have, I will never touch it again" "you better not because I will have your balls in a jar on my mantle piece" argh I'm so fucking angry. "Brenton can you do me a favor?" "Sure" "go get the three from the office" he nodded.

"April" "you best apologize to these guys too" "look I'm sorry all of you. I know I fucked up big time and if I could turn back time I would but I can't and I swear I will never touch another drug" "fine" "yep" "great" they all left making me internally grin. "so where have you been staying?" "The hide out" taking a deep breath I shook my head "you can stay in my estate" "what?" I put my hand up at Brenton.
"You stay at my estate. You come to and from work with me everyday. you sleep in, expect a cold bath. You cross the line, you are out on your ass. You know I will never put up with shit and even if we were mates it doesn't change anything. Where is your stuff?" Adam shrugged "drex burnt it" "looks like we are going shopping then" "April you can't be serious"

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