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He just found out she is leaving tomorrow. She only told me before when I asked, but I know why she hasn't told anyone. the last time she left everyone was worried not only about her but the business.
Running out after Brenton I spoke.
"Oi" "what is it matt?" "You alright?" "Yeah.." "bullshit. you know she is leaving tomorrow" "I don't get it matt, I thought.." "she does it for a reason. Its not because of you, well maybe some of it this time. We can see she likes you but she likes to keep her head in the game before she leaves. She hasn't mentioned it because well one, she hates goodbyes they make her feel like she is leaving everyone behind like people did to her in the past and she doesn't like everyone worrying. In her mind she is just protecting everyone" Brenton shook his head "she should've mentioned something" "she only told me because she had to as I am going to be running the place while she is gone" "you only found out before?" "Yep" "unbelievable. Alright well I will see you in the morning" "things to do?" "Not really but the longer I stay, the more I will want her to stay and I know she won't" I nodded "alright seven thirty tomorrow".


"Hey guys" "April maltri?" "Correct. You are here to remove the fencing?" "Yes ma'am" "April. Come through. please do not disturb the public" "that's fine".
Watching and waiting for them to finish, when they did I thanked them then locked the gates.

Running through the park and into the office I threw matt the keys. "Back gate is locked and the ride is ready for use as of tomorrow morning. i need to run I have to organise a few things" "sure thing" matt followed me out the front. "Hug bitch" "argh demanding" I chuckled as matt gave me a hug. "Be safe and have fun" "I will and as for the last part. Not Likely it'll mainly be talking and paperwork. But the hotel does have a bar" I chuckled "enjoy" "you too matt".

Arriving home, Gerald was just kicking back on the steps. "Comfortable Gerald?" "Not really" "I will get you a sunbed for your lazy ass" he laughed "I'm good" "glad to hear it. Come inside for a drink" "I'm in trouble" "not at all".
"Water or beer?" "Who is going to say no to a beer?" I smirked "not me".
Grabbing us both a beer, I looked at Gerald.
"Here" "thanks" "i am leaving tomorrow. I do not want anyone accessing my estate unless you have permission first. Adam will be staying here so he has full range" "In the bungalow?" "Yes. He usually does his shopping on a Wednesday but I will have a chat with him to make sure, especially if he gets it delivered" "how long are you going for?" "Hmm minimum three weeks" "maximum?" "Two months" "fuck no beers for two months" I laughed "I will stock the bar fridge on the back patio" "I knew you were the best boss" "me too" "big head" I laughed. "Can you let the rest of the men know for me?" "Sure" "shit I need to speak with Chelsea. OI CHELSEA" "you yelled" "I am not going to be here for a while so you won't need to be here. I will still pay you.." "no you won't be" "good luck arguing with April" I smirked "for that attitude you need to pack your shit and get off my property..until I return" Chelsea laughed "yes boss anything you say boss" "good. I say you are getting paid. bye now" "but.." "you said anything I say" Gerald and Chelsea both laughed "safe travels boss bitch" shaking my head Chelsea grinned as she left. "What about matt?" "He doesn't need to be here while I am gone. Everything he needs has been taken to ventures" "alright at least I know" I nodded.
"I should go start packing" "what you haven't done it yet?" "Nope I have been flat out dealing with everything else" "slow down will you" "I will when I am on the plane. I will see you later. Enjoy your beer" "I better get out there anyway" "have fun lazy ass" Gerald smirked as I walked off.

Spending an hour packing everything I need, I zipped up my suit case then left it at my door before walking out and grabbing another drink. Heading out side, i closed the glass doors and sat down on the patio just looking out over the property. I know when I arrive in Los Angeles everything will be noisy and fast paced so I may as well enjoy the peace while I can.


I have been contemplating whether I go see her or not before she goes. I know what matt said but I want to see her, spend time with her. I know she doesn't like goodbyes but what if something happens when she leaves and I don't get a chance. Arriving at her estate, I parked the car out the front then walked in side. The house seemed so quiet, usually others are around but not today. Walking out the back there was April sitting with her feet up on the table having a beer. "Brenton" "how did you know it was me?" "I know the sound of your car" "you heard it from here?" "Just. What are you doing here?" Walking to the table, i took a seat. "I wanted to come see you before you go tomorrow" "I do not do goodbyes Brenton" "so I heard" April nodded "who knows you are going?" "Matt because I had to prepare him, Gerald because I told him I want no one at the estate besides the security and Adam. Chelsea because I relieved her of her job until she gets back but she will still be getting paid and you" "you weren't going to tell me were you?" "No" "honest" April nodded "what are you looking at?" Looking around she was just looking out over the property "I'm enjoying the peace before I go into the hustle and bustle of the city" looking back at April her eyes shifted to mine "I guess when I get back we'll go on that date?" "I would've a lot earlier if I had the chance" "you never asked" "I thought you were busy" "this is why people ask or try things, then they know" I smirked "you are right I should've asked. Same as I should've asked instead of jumping to conclusions with you and Adam" April nodded. "There is and never will be anything going on between Adam and I. We are friends, we had a connection when Zane passed away and even though he stuffed up I just can't hate him. That's why I didn't hesitate to save his ass" "what about all the rest?" April shook her head "no. Okay I hooked up with Brit but that was actually to get a guy away from me" I smirked "acted like a lesbian to get a male away from you?" "Yep. I did what I needed to Do. Seems like I pulled her in though" from what I heard she did. I nodded "what about you Brenton like that ex of yours oh and not to mention my sister" "no I haven't got interest in anyone, Bar you" April nodded. "It's because I'm a challenge right?" I chuckled "no. I guess you just know when the person is right for you. My question is what your thoughts were and are" April had a cheeky grin on her face "thought? Hmm arrogant, full of yourself, disrespectful.." I did not want to hear this "but.. now? Hmm caring, possessive.." "possessive?" "Oh you are, take the other night for example" "okay maybe I am but I have never been that way" April a small grin on her face "playful, a lot more relaxed than you were.." "so what you are saying is you fell for me?" Aprils eyes changed straight away "I never said that. I can just see you are not the same person you were five years ago" "alright answer one question for me" "ask" oh this woman is so strong minded and willed its not even funny. "do I have a chance of being with you?" April kept eye contact with me then sat back taking a sip of her beer "yes" I grinned "straightforward" "that's what you prefer right?" "Yes it is".
"I want to come with you" "what?" "I want to come to Los Angeles with you" "you are taking over the ride though. I haven't found someone else and I haven't got the time" nodding I then spoke "okay I did say I would do that job and I will stick by what I said" "well on that note I need a another beer. Want one?" "I won't say no" April nodded then walked inside. Fuck why did I say I'd work the new ride. now I can't go with her.

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