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"Have you lost the love for the park?" "No definitely not. That place has been my life" Brenton nodded.
"What about you Brenton how was your life?" "Boring. I grew up as a rich kid, family gatherings, being in the spot light. I started my business as soon as I finished school and after a year I bought myself a house in hopes I could pull myself away from the lifestyle my parents had brought me up in. Although I am very close with my mom, my dad was very hard on me. Telling me I was never good enough, I had to succeed, I need a woman to do everything for me. I attended balls and always had to have a date. I had a girlfriend in highschool until I found out she was just wanting money and then aliyah" I smirked "miss lock lips huh?" Brenton chuckled "yeah her. She was the same, she wasn't interested in me just the money. It was all the same boring shit until I met you" I grinned "kept you on your toes" "yep but that's what I wanted. I wanted exciting and fun not boring, stiff and plastic. That night I met you I was actually quite surprised. Your parents never mentioned you were to be my date it was supposed to be Reilly and thank fuck you took her spot" I chuckled "I didn't really. I spent my time at the bar, heard girls gasp Everytime they seen me drinking a beer oh and Meredith that was a blast but I put her in her spot. How'd you know I was supposed to be your date?" Brenton shook his head. "I heard a conversation about you between Meredith and my mother. She was complaining saying that Gomez woman is a shameful woman sitting at the bar drinking beer.." I cracked up laughing "sorry couldn't help it" Brenton smirked "I knew right then that you were different. What I didn't expect was for you to be, well gorgeous. From your green eyes to your toned legs. Just sitting on a bar stool in a silver sequin dress and silver heels" "you remember exactly what I was wearing?" "Oh you put in imprint in my brain as soon as I seen you and the way you fired at me, I couldn't help but grin as soon as you walked out of the room leaving me standing there. I had to come out and find you and I continued to search for you. Especially the first two years after the ball but there was no trace" I grinned "I wasn't hiding though" "no I was just looking for the wrong person. You know I was thankful I took Reilly on that date" I looked at Brenton curiously "why is that?" "Because that was the day your dad came out and told me he had seen you. From there he left your mom and I followed him out. I had to find out where you were" I nodded "good timing then" "it was" I grinned.
"My favorite colour is green, I don't really have a favorite place but I do love nature it's peaceful and I'm on the cusp I am a Leo and Virgo" "explains the personality" I chuckled "I have my moments. What about you Brenton?" "Surprisingly green and I don't have one, I have never really thought about it. I'm an Aries" "well that explains your personality" Brenton Chuckled "yeah you could say that".
"Do you like animals?" "Hmm yes but not my own" "why is that?" "I don't have the time for animals" "if you were to have one what would your favorite be?" "A cat" "why?" "They are a comfort animal, they basically just live their own lives too" "exactly like you" "what?" "You like to comfort people and you live your own life" I grinned "I guess you are right. What about you?" "I like animals but never thought about having one. There was no way in hell my parents would allow it" "parents huh" "yeah.." "speaking of parents has your mom opened a shop at the marketplace?" "She has all thanks to you" "it was the least I could do" "you always help people. You had only just met my mother and didn't even hesitate" "of course not. If I can help some one I will do it" Brenton grinned "I know".
Spending quite a few hours out in the wide open space with a tree giving us some shade. Brenton grabbed my hand "ready to get out of here?" "Whenever you are ready" he had a handsome grin on his face as he stood up and helped me do the same. "Let's clean this up" "easy done" Brenton let my hand go and wrapped everything in the rug making me grin "quick" "wasting time doing it the other way" I chuckled.

All the way back to my property he held my hand slowly brushing his thumb across my skin. It's easy with him. the conversations, being around him and he is definitely a good looking guy, easy on the eyes oh and his body mmm I can handle having him control me in the bedroom.
Hearing my phone ring I looked at the name. Must be an emergency.

"Matt what's the issue?" "There isnt one. Tommy told me you are busy all day I wanted to make sure you are okay" "of course I am" "hmm good what has been keeping you from being at work?" "Personal" "argh of course it is" I shook my head "if there is no emergency I am going to go" "why? is he making you?" "Okay enough. no that is not the reason at all" "why won't you just tell me what is going on?" "I have but for some reason you aren't listening" "because its bullshit" "okay then well I will speak to you later" hanging up the phone we pulled up in the drive way "I really need to take that truck out so you can park your car in there" "don't worry about this thing" I grinned "hey it got us from a to b" "that's true. Let's go inside" "sounds good to me".


What ever that phone call was about I have no interest in it. I know it wasn't an emergency and I plan to keep this day at high spirits.
Getting inside I pulled her close looking into dark green eyes "what do you think, beer and spa?" "Sounds like a great idea I will.." "I will get them" "I was going to say, I will go get changed" "alright" April grinned as she walked off.
Entering the spa room, I made sure there were enough beers and towels before turning the music on. Removing my clothes when April walking in my jaw nearly dropped but I held it tightly closed. She was wearing a dark red two piece bikini looking fucking stunning. "getting in?" "Sure am just grabbed some beers and put some music on" April nodded.
Getting in the spa April did the same and I handed her a beer "thank you" "anything". "now this is the life" I chuckled "the spa and drinks?" "No the entire day from being out in the open spaces with no one else around and now just relaxing in the water with a beer and music and of course you. Thank you for today" moving over in front of her I hovered over her as she opened her eyes giving me direct eye contact "you don't need to thank me. I wanted to take you out and spend the day with just you, getting to know you with no interruptions. I'm happy you have enjoyed today. You look relaxed and happy and thats all I ever want to see" to see an affectionate smile on her face I leant in connecting my lips with her soft luscious lips. April parted slightly and I took the opportunity to slide my tongue in her mouth swirling my tongue with hers. Hearing April's phone ring she pulled away "sorry" "don't be" it was probably a good idea anyway I have her basically under me in just a bikini set.
"Oakley?.. what?.. argh for fuck sake yeah let em through, I will meet them at the door.. thanks" April shook her head "the cops are here" "what?" April shrugged "better go find out what they want" I nodded. Both of us getting out we wrapped towels around our body then walked to the front door.
"Miss maltri?" "Yes is there something wrong?" "I am here to do a welfare check" "what? I have no kids" "no in regards to you miss maltri" "well as you can see officer I am perfectly fine. my partner and I were having a spa" "do you mind stepping out on your own?" "Sure. Brenton I will be back" "alright" April grinned then stepped out closing the door. A welfare check what the fuck is going on?.

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