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Argh I can't sit around doing nothing. There has to be something I can do. Oh I can food prep or maybe enjoy the spa. Haven't been in there in a while. Yep that's what I am doing.
Heading to my room I changed into my bikini set putting a shirt over the top just incase then headed to the spa room. Turning the stereo on I then climbed into the spa.
Reaching out to the fridge I grabbed out two beers putting one on the edge of the spa then opened the other and closed my eyes, just taking in the music and the taste of the beer. This is relaxing but my mind was still going. Seven different venture sights across the country. Matt is basically running the major one but I still find it to be my responsibility, I just can't step down, it's not only for me it's for Zane. He couldn't live his life like he planned to. Just the thought of him I raised my beer then took a sip. I haven't been to his grave in quite sometime not because I don't want to visit but because I haven't had a chance. I only have so much down time. Maybe tomorrow I can go visit him. I will always love him But i have moved on, not relationship wise yet but it doesn't hold me back knowing he is not around, it only makes me move forward.
Then there's the New project on the way. I am thankful Simon is still in the business, he is an amazing man and works hard. He was the one who originally did the ventures site for me.
Positions at ventures and the resort. I need to find a name for it, I just don't know what to call it yet. Something that stands out but isn't similar to all other resorts in the area. That will come. First I need it to be built, to find everything I need for the place then worry about a name and staff. I already have my dad, Brenton, christian and Adam. Oh god Adam and Lucas that's another thing. I don't know how he can forgive him for what he did. I couldn't stay around and deal with Lucas, it was night where everyone else was there. If I lost my shit, it would've ruined everyone's mood and I didn't want that. Shaking my head at just the thought I sculled my beer and grabbed my other.
"Even when you are supposed to be resting your mind is still going" shit Brenton is here . Opening my eyes brentons met mine instantly "I'm still resting" "there is no way you have been in there all day" "no I have made some phone calls but I have been in here for at least an hour" "what's on your mind?" "What isn't" "hmm you need to switch that mind off" "cant help it" he nodded "how'd you know I was up here?" "I didnt. I spoke with zeth and Adam they said you are here but they didn't know where so I looked around the house and found you here" "how was work?" He had a small grin on his handsome face "it was good, the ride is very popular" "you will hopefully have a replacement next week. I put an add out and it should be in the paper tomorrow" "you did listen?" "I always listen. we were interrupted and you didn't finish what you were saying but I understood" Brenton had a small grin on his face "anyone coming over?" "Who the hell knows they just rock up" "hmm maybe you should put a stop to that" "yeah .." Brenton removed his clothes leaving only his trunks on then climbed in seated across from me.
"What on your mind?" "Everything from the venture sites to family to the resort" "we need to make you relax" "I have been trying" Brenton shook his head "well the spa obviously isn't working" "what isn't working?" Just fucking great matt is here when all I am wanting is alone time. "Her mind" "it's working" Brenton glared at me "sort of" "it shouldn't be, you should be resting" "that's why I am in the spa. I have been listening to music and trying to zone everything out" "obviously isn't working" "stating the obvious. I'm going to get out and make some food" "I will cook" "let him cook" "whoa will you two just chill". Getting out I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. Turning the music off I then grabbed my beer and walked out.


Argh I could've calmed her and made her relax but with Matt being here it ruined my plans. "She is on edge" "seems that way. I guess with her not doing anything her mind has taken over" getting out of the spa I grabbed a towel and got myself dry, well as much as I could then chucked my clothes on. Walking out and down the stairs when I entered the kitchen, matt was there but April wasn't. "Where is she?" "Probably getting dressed" "fair enough. Here to talk business?" "No just to check on her" I nodded.
When April came out she walked straight to the back door opening it then walked out closing it again. Hmm something is bothering her. When I seen adam come up the stairs, they both spoke and he nodded but I could see a hesitation in his body movements. April pointed to in here then said something before coming back in.
"Everything alright?" "Yeah. Are you both hungry?" "I could eat" "yes but..." "I will make something" it's best to let her do it.
"What did you do today April?" "Phone calls" "didn't go out anywhere?" "Yes twice" "let me guess to the pub and to do shopping?" "No. My dad took me out for breakfast so I didn't cook but it was good having a meal with just him. And I met with Simon" "who is Simon?" "The contractor for the resort" "oh the same guy who did ventures?" "correct" "did you go to the pub?" "I stopped in for a drink on the way home" "you have beers here" "yep and if I didn't go to the pub Id have one less" I smirked as she answered matt. "The whole point of having days off is to not doing anything" "am I a prisoner in my own home?" "No I'm just saying you need rest it's been a hectic few months for you. Might help you think straight too" "what am I not thinking straight about?" "That phone call today. why suggest it if you don't want him working there" "I won't be there" "why are you giving him his job back then" "the place needs workers" "workers? He is only one person" "I have put an add in the paper to cover Brenton as well" "what why?" "Because I need his help" "what help?" "Organising things for the resort" "I can still help" "it's fine matt" "usually we discuss this before you make plans" I'd say something about it all but I don't think it's a good idea with the mood she is in right now. I can't work out whether she is upset, angry, bored .. she just keeps it hidden.
"Okay then" what the hell did I miss.
None of us speaking a word April handed us both a bowl of carbonara then moved to the table.
"Before you even try scold me tomorrow about going out, I am. I am taking Adam to get his furniture and he is moving out" "well that was unexpected" April shrugged "he was only supposed to be here for six weeks but due to being away I haven't had a chance to take him. Tomorrow Is the day" "looking forward to having your estate back to yourself?" "It's not like he stays in here anyway" "fair point so why the sudden move?" "He has his own place to stay in. The money for his work will be transferred to his accounts from next week" "there's more to it" "no that was the plan, it's changed a bit as I said due to being away but it will be back on track. He can help Brett until the resort opens" "alright then".
Oh it's definitely not because of the plan. My guess is she doesn't want him here if he is now friends with Lucas. she doesn't want to be any where near him but I will speak to her about that when no one else is around. Eating our meals when we were all done I stood up grabbing all the dishes "Brenton you don't.." "it's okay I honestly don't mind. You cooked us dinner it's the least I can do" April nodded with an appreciative grin. Rinsing the dishes I put them in the dish washer then grabbed a beer for the three of us and took them to the table.

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