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"Good morning everyone" "good morning how did you pull up yesterday?" "Not bad after a shower and a coffee. What about you tommy?" "Seedy. We were all like zombies here" I chuckled.
"The park ran well but Lucas wasn't present" taking a deep breath, I shook my head "well I'm glad the park ran well" tommy and Brit both nodded.
"All ready for Sunday?" "Hell yes" I chuckled "glad to hear it. Personally I think it will be good for all of us. We are always here and never get to use it" "Jess and tahlia do" "that's why they chose that part of the park because they knew they would" Brit shook her head "I knew I should've chosen a different position" "not happy?" "Of course I am, I love it here but I would get to use the park more often" "she is just greedy. We have the last Sunday of every month from now on" "thats true. I am going to head to the office, I have plans to complete. If you need me just come in, I have no meetings" "alright".

Getting these plans done no one interrupted me for hours which I am thankful for. It means the park is running well.

what the fuck?
"Gerald?" "Adam has been rushed to the emergency room he was unconscious on the property" "shit I will be there in ten".
Closing my laptop, I ran out of the office and out the door without saying a word to anyone.
Arriving at the hospital, I ran straight in.
"Gerald?" He shook his head "I haven't heard anything. I followed the ambulance here" "fucking hell" "I'm not sure what has happened. he hasn't left the estate since he arrived" I nodded "I know, maybe he was dehydrated or something. let's wait until we find out".
"Lucas was at the property this morning" "what for?" "I don't know" I nodded.
So he didn't come to work yesterday or today but he come to my estate.
"Are you here for Adam?" "Yes he is family. How is he? Can you tell me what has happened?" "A drug overdose. He was very lucky to survive, he is now stable but on close watch" "can I see him?" "April?" "Hi Lucinda" "what's going on?" "Adam was rushed in here we are about to go see him" "I can take her in danni" "alright thanks".

Entering the room, Adam looked pale and was out cold laying on the bed.
"How close is he to you?" "Very I just don't understand. He hasn't touched a drug in years that I know of" "well by the looks of his chart he has had Cocaine" cocaine? He hasn't been anywhere. "Alright thanks Lucinda".
"April he hasn't been anywhere, not once has he left the estate and you know he is drug free" "there has to be an answer" "check the cameras for the outside property" I nodded "i will get Matt to bring me my laptop".

"April" "matt I need you to bring my laptop to the hospital. I'm on level three room seventeen" "what the hell happened?" "I will explain when you get here and don't mention anything to anyone" "noted".

"Now we wait. I'm so glad you found him gerald" "me too" "anything strange happen at the estate?" "No it has been quiet" I nodded.
Waiting for Matt to arrive, when he did, he handed me my laptop.
"What the fuck?" "Don't ask but I will find out".

Looking at my home security, I rewound it until I seen something I didn't think I would see. Lucas walked out speaking with adam then shook his hand. I'm guessing they made peace. Seeing Lucas walk inside he came back out again with a drink handing it to Adam then left.
Watching the screen I fast forwarded it until Lucas started fitting and dropped to the ground.
"That fucking piece of shit, I am going to kill him" "he is already in the hospital" looking at matt I shook my head "not him. Lucas. Lucas drugged him" "what?" "Here look at this".
I will find Lucas and when I do I am going to destroy him. I can do this the right way or the wrong way but in this case I am thinking the wrong way.
"Fuck" I nodded "now it's time I find him" "April what are you going to do?" "Most likely report it" "oh no I am dealing with this my way" "which way?" "I'm sure you will find out".

"Who is this?" "It's april" "not a call I expected" "I have two questions" "okay.." "one have you seen Lucas?" "Yes yesterday" I knew it "alright and for the second question do you feel like earning five grand?" "Doing what?" "I want you to find him before I do and hold him" "you aren't serious" "yes one hundred percent" "five grand?" "If you find him before I do. I want his head and I plan to get it" "alright five grand direct deposit if I find him before you. I will start looking" "thanks" "All good".

"Who the hell did you just call?" "Drex" "drex? are you fucking kidding me?" "No he found Adam I'm sure he can find Lucas" "and do what?" "He is just going to hold him".

"April where are you?" "At the hospital" "shit what the hell happened? are you okay?" "I'm fine" "who is in there?" "Adam and not by choice" "what?" "Lucas thought it would be okay to give him cocaine and not just a small amount. Enough to make him fit and overdose" "do not take it into your own hands" "too late I already have someone looking for him" "I'm coming down to the hospital" "what for?" "I can hear you want blood" "more than" "where?" "Room seventeen level three" "okay".

Seeing Adam move I had hoped that he would wake up. Pressing the button for the nurse, I kept my eyes on Adam.
"April?" "He is starting to move. can you check the monitor?" "Of course".

"He is responding well. He may be starting to wake up" "news I want to hear, thank you" "you are welcome".
Getting a water ready, I put it on the drawers "do you want anything April?" "No thank you" "I am going to head back to the estate" "that's fine. Thanks for everything gerald and can you change the codes" "I did what I needed to. He is a good person. And yes I will" "yeah he is. Thank you".
"April you need to think clearly. you can't be getting drex to touch him" "he won't be, he is just finding him. I can't believe Lucas would do something like this" "he's angry and frustrated" "so that's an excuse" "no it's not" I nodded.
Hearing a groan come from Adam, I moved closer grabbing his hand. "Hey tough one. come on, open yours eyes" "matt can you pass me the water" "sure".
"April?" His voice was so hoarse "it's me. I have some water for you" Adam opened his eyes then closed them again before opening them looking straight at me. "hospital?" I nodded "you will be okay. Here have some water" putting the straw to his mouth he took a sip. "Thanks" "its alright. You feeling okay?" "Hmm no my guts is killing me" "no pain killers you have to deal with it for now" "pain killers?" "You had an overdose" "I haven't touched anything I swear" "not by choice Adam but I will sort it".
Seeing the door open up, Brenton walked in but didn't say anything.
"I don't understand" "give it time your mind will be in shambles at the moment. Just know I will be here always" a small smile showed on Adams face. "I know as I will for you".
"April?" "Lucinda it seems he is awake. He has had a sip of water and his stomach hurts but I told him no pain killers" "definitely not a good idea right now. Hi Adam" "hi" "besides the stomach. are you feeling alright?" "Yeah.." "you are very lucky" "he didn't take it by choice Lucinda" "what do you mean?" "He was drugged" Lucinda shook her head "I know what you are like, this is not going to end well" "she needs to be smart about this" looking at Brenton I looked back at Lucinda with a sly grin. "How long will Adam be in here?" "Atleast over night" "looks like you better move over fat guts you are stuck with me until then" matt laughed "you have no choice in this one Adam" to see a small grin on his face it made me smile.
"Give me a minute alright, I need to make a phone call" "okay" "anything happens come get me" matt and Brenton both nodded.

"April?" "Brit can you put tommy on please" "sure". "April?" "You are in control of the books right?" "Yes as always" "good remove Lucas off of them immediately" "what?" "Don't ask questions just do it" "but.." "now tommy. If it's not done, I will do it myself" "want to tell me what's happened?" "In person. Gotta go" "alright".

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