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"I really should be going, I am going to look at a property today" "that's okay dad. I will make sure to find more time. Sorry about the last week" "no it's okay but please do rest. No offense but you look like shit" I chuckled "geez thanks dad love you too" "I know and I love you. Take care" "please let me know how you go with the house hunting" "I will. Bye my favorite daughter. Bye Brenton" "bye dad" "bye Dallas".

"You came in to explain why your lips were on someone else's didn't you?" "Yes and no. Yes I didn't want you thinking I want anyone else and two I haven't seen you and wanted to talk but I mainly just wanted a coffee. Are you happy to join me for one?" "Okay we can do that".
"Mich" "coming April" I grinned "mich can I grab the same drink as earlier please" "and a latte with two sugars" "both the same. Easy done" "thanks mich" "you are welcome".
"Why have you run yourself into the ground?" "Just an overload of work and private matters but I plan to take a rest day, no contact unless it's an emergency. How has your week been?" "The same really just sorted out deals for the company. Caught up with my mother and dealt with the paparazzi" "sounds thrilling" Brenton smirked "yeah all about your sister" "well you put yourself in that position" "that is true I did but only to shut your.." "Marielle" "her, up" I nodded "just a bit of advice she doesn't shut up" Brenton laughed "just like Reilly" I nodded "she has been brainwashed but she loves the lifestyle she had" "oh I know but they will both find out what the real world is like" "can only hope. Argh sorry one sec" Brenton nodded.
"Matt?" "April I heard about Brett is he alright?" "Fractured ankle and will be resting for eight weeks atleast, but he was fine. Had a bourbon for the pain and lucky enough adam was there to help" "hmm good to hear. Seems like he is back to his old self" "he definitely is. While you are on the phone. You can take charge tomorrow, I am unavailable" "meetings huh?" "No I need rest" "alright no contact unless it's an emergency" "yes please" "done. When I seen you two days ago, you looked tired" "extremely even dad told me I look like shit" matt laughed "honest" "piss off" "rude".
"Is everything running smoothly" "sure is. You don't need to worry" "thanks Matt I really appreciate it" "I know. Rest up and I will see you in a couple of days" "you will bye" "bye".
"Perfect timing thanks mich" "it's alright enjoy" "I'm sure we will".
"Is Matt your second in charge?" "Yes he is. He has been with me since I had the opportunity to open the park" "how did you get that amount of money to open it?" "My grandfather" "wait the inheritance Marielle had been trying to get" "yes and she had no right to it anyway it wasn't her father" "he left it all to you?" "He did. With a letter stating why. He also wanted me to live my dream and that's exactly what I have done with it. No one could protest the will anyway as he had it signed by the high courts" Brenton grinned "smart man" "very".
"He would be proud of you though. If he had of left it to someone else I'm sure it would've been wasted" "no doubt but even though the inheritance was given to me, I could never change my life style or who I am and he knew that" "you did look incredible in that dress though" "thanks but it's just not for me" "I know and atleast you aren't one of those that show your body to the world for attention" "it's my own body not everyone else's" Brenton nodded. "Did you have any other plans besides the park?" "Yes I'd like to open a resort" "what kind of resort?" "One for parents and children on the spectrum but with this company it makes it hard" "step back" "I can't do that it's my company" "you obviously trust matt to run it anyway" I nodded "yes I do" "then have a chat with him and open the resort that you want. But being on the spectrum that will be hard" "they deserve a place they can feel welcome and parents don't get judged. Those children always get looked down upon for something they have no control over and the parents feel like they should apologise. I want to change that" "how do you run your company and stay out of the public eye?" "I deal with magazines but never have my photo taken" "you have articles written about you and ventures?" "A few yes" "well there you go. Learn something new every day" "we do".

No amount of coffee Is going to keep me awake, I am absolutely exhausted. I have never pushed myself so far with out a break. "Ahh April are you alright?" "Yeah.. umm thanks for joining me for a coffee Brenton but I must go" "there is something wrong isn't there?" "I'm just. I need rest. I will speak to you later" when Brenton grabbed my hand as his dark eyes bored into mine. Something I have never had before. No one touches me this way. His thumb tracing over the back of my hand "you should not drive in this state. Please let me take you home" holding eye contact with him for a few seconds longer than I should I blinked and pulled my hand away. "No it's umm okay but thanks Brenton. I will pay for your coffee too" "no I can" "have a good afternoon Brenton" "please let me know when you arrive home" I nodded. Do not do this April. Do not fall for his charming looks, his soft touch. You can't do this to yourself. It will only end in disaster.
"April?" Looking at Arnold he had a concerned look on his face "umm I'm just here to finalize my bill" "you never hesitate, there is something wrong" "no I'm fine.what do I owe you?" "Sixty three" tapping my card I thanked Arnold then left.
I know I have run myself into the ground and Im an idiot for doing so. As soon as I get home I will rest.

"Ahh April?" Looking to my right there was Brenton "you are not fine. Please let me drive you. I will catch a cab back and drive my car" "I was just staring into space" "I can see that. Where are your keys?" "Brenton you don't need to do this" "let me please" I nodded. Handing him my keys I got in the passenger side of my car and put my belt on, resting my head on the door.
"Address?" "It's set in the gps" "okay".

"This is your estate?" "Yes it is" "it magnificent" "thank you".
Brenton pulled up out the front and we both exited the car.
"April?" "Sorry Gerald. Can you please change the codes" "you are not okay. Can we do something for you?" "No thank you. Brenton will be waiting for a cab. I need to rest" "I can see that. You have me worried" "I will be okay" "I will change the codes now and let the men know" "thankyou. Brenton if you want to come in to wait you can" "thank you".
Entering my house Brenton was quiet "water or beer?" "Just a water but I can.." "I will rest when you leave. Thank you for driving me back" "anything".
Getting a water for Brenton I grabbed myself a vitamin water "you are lacking vitamins?" "B twelve" "how do you know that?" "I have had the problem since I was young but only found out when I was sixteen" "who knows?" "You" "why haven't you told anyone?" "The health professionals know thats enough" "how bad?" "Moderate. Its controllable but I have crap days" "like today" I nodded "some times worse but those days, I eat all that I need to and drink as much as I can" "what about tablets?" "I have those too but natural is best" "I would like to stay" "for?" "To make sure you are okay" "I will be fine and I have people here if I need them" "how many?" "Six if Chelsea and kristene are here" "you don't know?" "I just arrived home" "I will cancel my cab" "no it's okay. I appreciate the concern but I plan to rest and sleep" hearing a beep of a horn, Brenton shook his head. "these are yours" "thank you".
Walking out Brenton stopped. "Your cab is waiting" I could see the hesitation in his body movements "if you need anything please let me know" "okay and thanks again" "that's alright".
With one last look Brenton walked down the steps and got into the cab.

Not A CinderellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora