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"Oh shit" "seriously guys you left us at work so you two could get drunk" matt, Brenton, christian and I all laughed "nah we would never" "bullshit" Brit tapped me across the back of the head "so Brit wanna dance?" Sending a wink her way she smirked "you buy my drinks for the night, I will dance as long as you want" "christian?" "What?" "Line em up" "how many?" Looking at Brit she grinned "ten" "ten?" "He's deaf. TEN" "coming. Suppose I'm clearing the bar as well" "what do you think we are? Bar dancers" christian smirked "I'm hoping" winking at christian Brit spoke "want a lap dance too pretty boy" I cracked up laughing "nah I'm happy watching you two" "mmm I won't say no" "you two should be separated" Brit sat on my lap moving her butt in a slow circle motion "Lucas is just jealous my lips have been on yours and his hasn't" "what?" I smirked at Brenton "did you hear him speak" "not this time gorgeous" "here you two" seeing ten shots on the bar Brit stood up "let's go" I grinned.
"Oi you two" "what" both Brit and i saying what at the same time matt grinned "I want in" "make that five more please our cute man" "oh she be wanting to take you home tonight christian" "I'll take both" "greedy" I cracked up at matt's comment. "Here matt" "thanks" "ready" "go" all of us sculling our first shot we all shook our butts making the guys laugh "matt you look great" "always man but you can't touch" "go" dropping our second shot we all did again. "Fuck this. christian turn it up" "sure".
Dancing around with Matt and Brit to my surprise christian came out from behind the bar and everyone joined in. All bar Brenton but I will get him up moving. Moving his way he shook his head with a grin "you like balls right?" He smirked "no" "lucky for you this isn't one. This is a pub and you should join" "you are way too pissed" "when I am crawling, I am pissed. right now, I'm just drunk" Brenton laughed "come on show me how the businessman can dance" "I can't.." "liar" grabbing his hand I pulled him off the stool towards everyone else and started dance "come on pick it up" "fine".
Dancing around and drinking all of us were having a blast.

"Whoa what the hell is going on in here" who the hell is that? No fucking way that's zander. Stepping back Brit grabbed my hand "come on" "April?" looking at zander, I shook my head and moved to the bar. I haven't seen him in years, since the car accident. "April?" "What?" "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Christian a drink" "sure" "still haven't got over it huh" "Zander fuck off" "nah I think I will stay" rolling my eyes, I jumped the bar and Brit handed me a stool "comfortable April?" "Sure am thought you could give me a lap dance" christian laughed "I think I'd prefer it to be the other way around" christian moved closer whispering in my ear "who is he?" "Someone that should've died" "not good news?" I shrugged "don't know, don't care" "alright" christian moved back with a grin.
"Hey beau" "what?" "This one wants a lap dance" I laughed "fuck off, I don't want a lap dance. Mmm a platter sounds good though" "hungry?" "A little" Brenton grinned "is this what happens you get drunk. You get hungry?" "She will always eat" "where does it all go?" "Running around all the time will do that to you" seeing the door open kris and Sam walked in, walking straight up to Zander. I looked at Brit and she nodded. Looking at the rest they did the same "let's do it".
"Wanna fill me in?" "Ready to shut the pub and come party with us?" "Where at?" "My estate?" "Yep. Close the curtains, I will shut everything down" "sweet".
"Hey man are you closing?" "Yep" I internally grinned "need a hand?" "never thought you'd ask" I laughed "idiot".
Walking around the bar with my stool I put it back then walked up to the guys.
"We going back to your place?" "Yep"
"Oi" turning around Kris spoke "let's talk" "what the hell for?" "Come on April it was an accident" matt instantly grabbed me, he knew I was going to fire "it's alright for you three isnt it, you fucking lived" matt picked me up carrying me out of the pub.
"Matt put me down" "be smart about this you have a lot to lose now" seeing the front door open kris walked out.
"Kris just leave her, we obviously cut ties for a reason" "oh no she needs to get over it. it was eight years ago" "get over it. You obviously never fucking cared about him. too busy into your fucking drugs. You probably still are" "what the fuck did you just say" "oh you heard me loud and clear". Kris grabbed my arm and within an instant i laid a punch to his face and grabbed his shirt slamming him against the wall. "You three left him in the fucking car to die. What kind of fucking mate are you. You aren't one. you are piece of fucking trash. I loved him and you guys killed him. Stay the fuck away from me. Understand" "April it was an accident" "you could've fucking pulled him out. You could've saved him but you didn't you were more fucking concerned about your drugs" slamming him against the wall again, I walked away and up the street.


"Why did he just carry her out?" Beau shook his head "if he didn't, she was going to lose her shit" seeing one bloke walk out I went to follow but Brit put her hand on my arm. "I wouldn't go out there" "bullshit" walking out matt shook his head at me.
"I loved him and you guys killed him. Stay the fuck away from me. Understand" "April it was an accident" "you could've fucking pulled him out. You could've saved him but you didn't. You were more fucking concerned about your drugs" April slammed his back against the wall and walked off. "shit" "I told you to leave her alone. Of course she didnt get over it Kris. He was her rock" "it was eight fucking years ago" "yeah and she never grieved. she was too busy looking out for everyone else" "wait who are we talking about here?" "Zane" "and who the hell is Zane?" "Her ex" shit that's why she doesn't get close to anyone "I need to go after her" "I wouldn't do that Brenton" "why the hell are you here? aren't you some rich bloke from the high end part of the city" shaking my head I took off running after April. She can't be on her own it's nearly midnight And she has been drinking. Hearing my phone ring, I looked at the number. Hmm matt.
"What?" "Know where the hide out is?" "Yes" "she will be there" "alright".
The fucking old hide out, where she got a gun to her head. Fucking hell.
Running to the building I ran in to see April just sitting in the corner. Looking around the walls were covered in graffiti and small writing. "I guess you know now" "matt told me who Zane is yes. He meant a lot to you" "yes more than anything. He was always there for me and made me feel loved when everyone else just looked down upon me. He listened, he cared and was always there like I was for him. He got into zanders car one night little did he know they were all high on drugs. They crashed the car and got themselves out but he was unconscious. He couldn't get out and they just left him there. The car went up in flames" "shit" April nodded "I hate them. He was going somewhere in life, he had plans and they didn't save him" April raised her pants "this anklet was given to me on my sixteenth birthday I have never removed it" I smiled "it's good to hold on to those memories April he sounded like he was a good person" "he was" "I know its hard but you should let it all out" "I have but I still hate those guys I never want them near me" "you have grieved?" "Yes in my own time" "that sounds like you" April had a small smile on her face "you know at some moments you actually remind me of him" "how so?" "Like now. He didn't care about anyone else he always made sure I was alright. You know him and Adam used to be best mates. Adam turned to drugs after that but I am thankful he got himself clean" "that's what made Adam change?" "Yeah" "well he is doing great now" "yes he is. He works hard and is back to his happy self" "because of you" "no because of the way he is" I nodded "what do you say we head back to your estate?" "Alright".

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