day 407

11 0 0

10:11 am

I'm finally 21!

It's exciting, but also not really. I guess it's just now I get to do all the things I've already done legally. I've already had that party faze in my life when I was 18 and 19 years old. I already feel old and I kind of don't want to reenter that part of my life again.

The day was spent mostly with me by myself. It was great. I went out to dinner with my parents and sister. E and his mom also came along. It was great. I love them so much and being around people I love on my birthday made me feel so complete.

Me and E are actually in a good place right now. Ever since we had sex we agreed to control ourselves and we have. But we also haven't been left alone yet, so I guess when that happens we'll see how controlled we really are.

I kind of want to keep what he and I have. I don't mind being friends with benefits, but I'm also not going to chase after him. I'm not going to be begging him for the attention or for that stuff. I will say though yesterday I told him I want to have sex again.

I don't know what will happen with us, but it's like I've said before. As long as I have him in my life and by my side I'll be fine. He's my best friend till the very end and I love his whole life.

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