day 118

28 1 0

10:52 am

I think I'm in love, but I honestly don't even know what that feels like. We'll call him E.

I've always had feeling for him. You'd know if you've read my past write ins or whatever you wanna call them. I tried to move on but it's like HES ALWAYS THERE. and it's sucks ass!!!

Like it's so hard to get over someone that does little things that just pull you right back in. Some days he's super loving and kind. And then he has his bad days where he doesn't wanna be bothered. But we all have bad days. So I don't think much of it because then he'll hug me in a certain way. Or like the other day when I saw him he hugged me and told me he loved me.

And I know he means it because I love him too. But I think I'm falling IN love with him and that scares me. It scares me a lot. And I think I wanna tell him. I think I have that trust in him enough that if I told him it would be okay. And I don't think he'd judge me or if he did he wouldn't say anything. And I'd hope things wouldn't get weird.

I just don't know what to do honestly.

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