day seventy-one

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Life has been good so far. There's always going to be moments of sadness or pain, but I've looked passed those moments. I've realized that there's a lot of things that I cannot change. There's a lot of things that I can't control.

I don't know if any of you reading this believe in a higher power or in God, but I do. And I understand that many find having faith in something or someone you can't see is ridiculous. But it's not to me. I've been through hell and back. I've experienced so much that at the age of 20 I feel extremely older.

I feel I've aged mentally and emotionally. And the only thing that has kept me alive and motivated is my faith. My faith in God because everything I've been through and overcome is by his grace. He has taken me out of the most darkest moments. He's given me hope when I felt so lost.

And I'm not telling you to go find the same faith as me, but I'm telling  you to try. Try and see if my God will disappoint you because he won't. He hasn't disappointed me and I know he never will. He hasn't left me even though I've walked away. He's amazing and I hope you find faith in him as well.

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