Chapter 23

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I froze and stared right at him. He still had that cocky look on his face.

I never really talk about my past relationships or who I fancy. It's always been between me and my journal. Listening to the other people's perfect love lives always makes me question mine. 

My relationships were never ideal. 

I've only been with three. The first guy and I still keep touch till now. He's a sweetheart and we were perfect. But by me shifting to college we tried long distance but that didn't work out. 

The other two were complete assholes. One cheated and one took advantage.

It was like the universe was testing me from every aspect. It took everything away from me and I don't understand what I did wrong?

There is definitely too much on my plate. With adding me finding out my dad has a secret mafia group and his enemies are coming after me, makes me crazy.

"None." I replied to Harry as I continued reading my book. "I don't believe you." He said. "That's too bad." I replied and flipped a page. I tried focusing all my attention on the pages of this book but it was like when Harry asked that question, forgotten memories in my mind reopened and unlocked, letting it scramble everywhere.

"You know you're going to have to talk to me anyway. We'll be here for the next three hours baby." He said leaning his head back relaxing. 

"What makes you think I'll have to talk to you?" I questioned him with an eyebrow raised. "Because you can't resist me, Athena." He said with a smirk. Harry tilted his head to the side and poured more champagne into his glass and began sipping on it.

He was starting to annoy me. Harry is a kind of person who gets what he wants whenever he wants it.

"Don't be shy, just tell me." He said. Even though he was being some what nice in a way I found it exceedingly annoying. I'm not ready to open up but he kept pushing me.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. I got up from the seat and made my way to the back of the plane. Harry frustrated me for some reason. I needed a breather.

I made my way into the empty toilet stalls and was about to close the door when an arm held the door to a halt.

My eyes widen and I tried pushing the door close but the hold was too strong. I took a glimpse at the grip and saw the set of rings on a fist of the person I dreaded.

"Go away." I said as I used all my force to shut the door. The door kept going back and forth and at once it opened with such force causing me to stumble back. 

"Harry, what the fuck?" I exclaimed as he stepped in and locked the toiler door. It wasn't a big space either. I didn't want to be close to him but the gap between us was immensely tight.

He looked at me as if I was his prey and he was the big bad wolf. I gained my confidence and walked up to him. I pushed him by the chest and made my way to the door. Almost made my way. 

Before my hand even touched the door knob, my arm was pulled and I fell against the counter. Everything was happening at a high pace. "What is wrong with you!" I asked him as I began rubbing the pain away from my hand.

"You didn't answer my question." He said as he locked his hands on the counter, trapping me in between. This brought back memories from not too long ago where he trapped me to threaten me.  

"It's none of your business, Harry. Let me go." I said as I tried pushing his arm off. This man didn't even budge the slightest. He's arms were like made out of metal. 

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