Chapter 49

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"We were betrayed by the people we trusted the most."

Everyone in the room became startled. Was Harry expecting anyone else? Was there another friend of our I forgot?

"Who's that?" I asked with my gaze on the door.

"I don't know, might be the nurse?" Harry said, also very confused. It wasn't the time the nurses would come in to give my medications.

It was currently afternoon, my rest time. Harry walked to the door and pulled it open.

A figure of a woman walked in. She had silky blonde hair, sunglasses on her eyes and she wore a red dress that hugged her body perfectly. She was an elderly woman around the age of fifty.
She wore a matching pair of matte high heels to complete her look. She had a badge of some sort on her dress too.

I let out a gasp as she walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes, I knew exactly who she was. I was expecting myself to not.

"Mum?" I said as I prompted my body straighter on the bed.

All eyes in the room turned to me. Harry stood with a hand covering his open mouth in shock. Cara and Niall gazed at us with wide eyes.

"Mum?" Harry questioned me. My breathing quickened and my head pounded. I haven't seen her for years almost forgetting what she looked like. But I knew it was her.

She had a mole on left cheek and she had an obsession with the color red.

I felt anger burning in my heart. I hate her. She left me alone with my dad without an explanation.

There was no divorce between her and my dad. So I always thought she went away for work.

I knew she loved my dad. Right? We always seemed so happy together. All the family vacations we would take once every five years made us seem like a normal family.

Maybe things were going on without me knowing? Maybe they did divorce? But I was just too young to know?

"Baby, I missed you." She said as she opened her arms, coming over to my side. She pulled my body in and gave me a hug.

I blinked in confusion as we pulled away.

"You're her mother?" Harry asked the woman. I was still confused about this whole interaction.

"Of course, don't we look the same?" She said as she brought a hand up to my face and squeezed my cheek.

"But- but- You fucking liar!" Harry screamed at Niall. I don't know if it was the pills I took before this or my head making up its own story, but this all seemed like a fever dream.

"Woah woah, there! Take it easy darlings." She said as she took a seat in the empty chair Harry sat in earlier. "No need to fight. Let me have an amazing time with my children here. It's like a family reunion!" She said with joy.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Children?" I asked. How did she know Niall and Cara?

"Uh yes, Niall,Cara and you?" She said as if it was obvious. My heart dropped.

What the actually fuck.

"I- what?" My voice was timid and low. I didn't have the energy to even speak or think anymore. Maybe going back to the coma and dreaming about the forest, heaven and peace or whatever I was dreaming about while feeling the soft voice of Harry every evening with his little forehead kisses is all I wanna do and feel right now.

But in reality, right now I feel hurt, confused and pain.

"Wow, your dad didn't say anything did he?" She said, scoffing. "Asshole."

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