Chapter 36

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Happiness. A feeling so simple yet it takes so long to actually feel it. To actually have it by your side at all times is such a blessing. It's like living in a child's world. Zero responsibilities, freedom, and happiness. 


Athena Williams

My eyelashes fluttered open and immediately spotted a head of brown curly hair under me. Harry. My eyes widened at once. What was he doing here? I gently lifted my body and rested it against the headboard without moving Harry's sleeping body. His left cheek was squished against the mattress with his curls covering his face. 

My eyes wandered around the room I was in. As far as I could remember, I was swinging myself to sleep on the swinging chair last night. Memories of yesterday came flashing back. I wanted to scurry off the bed at this instant. I didn't want to face Harry right now but then when will I face him?

I tried moving my foot over the bed but winced in pain. The universe seriously hates me I swear. I brought my fingers to rub my sleepy eyes when I felt my swollen face. I cried myself to sleep last night and my face felt awful. I never want yesterday to ever repeat again. Never want to feel that shitty again. I lay on my back and stared into oblivion. The ceiling had a crimson nude color painted on it. Thoughts were flowing in every direction in my brain.

Eventually, minutes later, I heard movements from Harry. My eyes drifted to his sleepy state. He lifted his head up and faced me with squinted eyes, let out a groan, and dropped his head back down to the side making his other cheek squish. "G'morning" Harry spoke with his voice being raspy. I replied to him and scanned his face when he closed his eyes back. He looked... adorable.

"I'm sorry for last night, I was fucking insane. I shouldn't have shouted. I didn't mean anything I said." He apologized while pinching his eyes. "Fuck, sorry Athena. I really am"

Usually, I'm not one who forgives and forgets easily. But I am going to spend days and probably months with him now, we can't be at each other's neck only on the second day. "I forgive you, sorry about the vase." 

"Ugh, fuck the vase." He said with a smile.

We laid there for a while until I decided to urge Harry out of bed. "Get up," I said as I shook his shoulder and sat up. "Ugh, shut up." He said pushing me back on the bed with his hand. 

"Come on, get up Harry."

He let out a very annoyed groan. Harry used his arms and pushed himself up, standing. He walked towards the bed, grabbed his phone, and was about to leave the room until I stopped him. I let out a pity cough and pointed to my non working ankle hoping he would get what I was saying. I wanted him to help me to the bathroom. 

He sighed and placed an arm around mine and gently lifted me up. My ankle was still sore but I could walk if I needed to. I just needed a lot of rest.

I held a tight grip on his arm and limped to the bathroom. "Thank you," I said and he nodded leaving the room. I slipped in after undressing and let the heated water from the shower calm my nerves and mind down. I haven't forgotten about yesterday and how shattered my insides were. It felt awkward talking and waking up next to Harry after the fight. 

Letting out a sigh, I got out of the shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and left the bathroom. Waking up in this room every day is like a dream. The way the sunlight crept in from the blinds made the room have a warm feel. Comfort was what I felt. I made my way to bed, limping to make the bed. Fitted sheets will be the death of me.

My fingers gripped held onto the walls for support as I made my way to the kitchen where I suppose Harry wasn't. He was working out, wasn't he? Like yesterday? My eyebrows creased as I heard a song I was very familiar with being blasted on the speakers. 

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